However, luckily, people are not herd animals
and just like you, they can periodically see
through the machinations of the ruling class
and ignite revolutions. One of these ends up being
the one where they actually keep the power to
 themselves once they wrestled it away from 
the rulers. They only need to re-realise 
that it is possible...


> Since the Scandinavian nations (except Norway) and the Netherlands are now
> in the EU, democracy is 'working' less and less in them.  All important
> decisions are increasingly "shifted" to Brussels and [thus] the international
> big biz.  ("The United States of Europe" is the aim, remember.)
> Oligarchy with a democratic face (makEUp) is a more elegant way of
> "managing the herd animals" than plain sincere scientocracy...
> --Chris

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