Thanks to all those who kindly supported me in this important debate. 

To the others who offered various arguments against my suggestion please
allow me to react.

Someone said :

>Note that year-numbers are ordinals, not cardinals, and there was no
>year numbered zero.

Agreed but then neither was there a year 0 B.C. Also when Pope Gregory got
us to go gregorian from julian, there apparently was a drop of some two or
three years somewhere. So really all I am suggesting is let's take the
logical way out and let us define what we have control over. 0 AD or 0 BC
is out of our hands, but 2000 is a lot better then 2001 or 2003 or 2004.
Actually year zero was called 1 BC.

Someone else said :

>>thinking them capable of seeing the difference between past and future 
>So, what _is_ the difference?

How about  : Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.

Another :

>The facts about when the millennium ends should be well known by now.

I'm sorry I missed millennium 101 - anyone else here missed it ?


"The end of labor is to gain leisure." Aristotle.
 -- ARG d'Ottawa ON Canada. Futuriste-au-loisir maintenant. --

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