A little late for Halloween, but pretty scary. The issue, of course, is not
the Social Security system but transfusing the financial pyramid. Dracula
sucked only blood. This baby wants IT ALL!

Full text of Greenspan's testimony to the Senate Budget Committee

WASHINGTON, November 20 --

I am pleased to appear here today to discuss one of our nation's most
pressing challenges: putting social security's Old-Age and Survivors
Insurance program on a sound financial footing for the twenty-first century.
It has become conventional wisdom that the social security system, as
currently constructed, will not be fully viable after the baby boom
generation starts to retire. The most recent report by the social security
trustees projected that the trust funds of the system will grow over
approximately the next fifteen years. However, beginning in the year 2014,
the annual expected costs of the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance program are
projected to exceed annual earmarked tax receipts, and the subsequent
deficits are projected to deplete the trust funds by the year 2031. 

This imbalance in social security stems primarily from the fact that, until
very recently, payments into the social security trust accounts by the
average employee, plus employer contributions and interest earned, were
inadequate to fund the total of retirement benefits. This has started to
change. Under the most recent revisions to the law and presumably
conservative economic and demographic assumptions, today's younger workers
will pay social security taxes over their working years that appear
sufficient, on average, to fund their benefits during retirement. However,
the huge liability for current retirees, as well as for much of the work
force closer to retirement, leaves the system as a whole badly underfunded. 

This issue of funding underscores the critical elements in the forthcoming
debate on social security reform, because it focuses on the core of any
retirement system, private or public. Simply put, enough resources must be
set aside over a lifetime of work to fund the excess of consumption over
claims on production a retiree may enjoy. At the most rudimentary level, one
could envision households saving by actually storing goods purchased during
their working years for consumption during retirement. Even better, the
resources that would have otherwise gone into the stored goods could be
diverted to the production of new capital assets, which would, cumulatively,
over a working lifetime, produce an even greater quantity of goods and
services to be consumed in retirement. In the latter case, we would be
getting more output per worker, our traditional measure of productivity, and
a factor that is central in all calculations of long-term social security
trust fund financing. 

In sum, the bottom line in all retirement programs is the availability of
real resources. The finance of any system is merely to facilitate the
allocation of resources that fund retirement consumption of goods and
services. Unless social security savings are increased by higher taxes (with
negative consequences for growth) or reduced benefits, domestic savings must
be augmented by greater private saving or surpluses in the rest of the
government budget to ensure that there are enough overall savings to finance
adequate productive capacity down the road to meet the consumption needs of
both retirees and active workers. 

The basic premise of our current largely pay-as-you-go social security
system is that future productivity growth will be sufficient to supply
promised retirement benefits for current workers. However, even supposing
some acceleration in long-term productivity growth from recent experience,
at existing rates of saving and capital investment, a pick-up in
productivity growth large enough by itself to provide for impending benefits
is problematic. Moreover, savings borrowed from abroad, our current account
deficit, cannot be counted on indefinitely to bridge the gap between
domestic investment and domestic savings. 

Accordingly, short of a far more general reform of the system, there are a
number of initiatives, at a minimum, that should be addressed. As I argued
at length during the Social Security Commission deliberations of 1983, with
only modest effect, some delaying of the age of eligibility for retirement
benefits is becoming increasingly pressing. For example, adjusting the
full-benefits retirement age further to keep pace with increases in life
expectancy in a way that would keep the ratio of retirement years to
expected life span approximately constant would significantly narrow the
funding gap. Such an initiative would become easier to implement as fewer
and fewer of our older citizens retire from physically arduous work.
Hopefully, other modifications to social security, such as improved
cost-of-living indexing, will be instituted. 

There are a number of broader reform initiatives that, through the process
of privatization, could increase domestic saving rates. Given the
considerable stakes involved, these are clearly worthy of intensive
evaluation. Perhaps the strongest argument for privatization is that
replacing the current underfunded system with a fully funded one could boost
domestic saving. But, we must remember that it is because privatization
plans might increase savings that they are potentially viable, not because
of their particular form of financing. 

Moving toward a privatized defined-contribution plan would, by definition,
convert our social security system into a fully funded plan. But, the same
issues and questions remain as under the current system. What level of
retirement income would be viewed as adequate, and should required
contributions to private accounts (and savings) be increased to meet this
level? Is there an alternative to forced savings to raise the level of
contributions to the private funds? 

Finally, if individuals did invest a portion of their accounts in equities
and other private securities, thereby receiving higher rates of return and
enhancing their social security retirement income, what would be the effect
on non-social security investments? As I have argued elsewhere, unless
national saving increases, shifting social security trust funds to private
securities, while likely increasing income in the social security system,
will, to a first approximation, reduce non social-security retirement income
to an offsetting degree. Without an increase in the savings flow, private
pension and insurance funds, among other holders of private securities,
presumably would be induced to sell higher-yielding stocks and private bonds
to the social security retirement funds in exchange for lower-yielding U.S.
Treasuries. This could translate into higher premiums for life insurance,
and lower returns on other defined-contribution retirement plans. This would
not be an improvement to our overall retirement system. 

Furthermore, the potential consequences of moving social security to a
system that features private retirement accounts need to be considered
carefully. Any move toward privatization will confront the problem of how to
finance previously promised benefits. That would presumably involve making
the implicit accrued unfunded liability of the current social security
system to beneficiaries explicit. For example, participants at the time of
privatization could each receive a non-marketable certificate that confirmed
irrevocably the obligations of the U.S. Government to pay a real annuity at
retirement, indexed to changes in the cost of living. The amount of that
annuity would reflect the benefits accrued through the date of privatization.

Under our current system, social security beneficiaries technically do not
have an irrevocable claim to current levels of promised future benefits
because legislative actions can lower future benefits. In contrast, the
explicit liability of federal government debt to the public is essentially
irrevocable. A critical consideration for the privatization of social
security is how financial markets are factoring in the implicit unfunded
liability of the current system in setting long-term interest rates. 

If markets perceive that this liability has the same status as explicit
federal debt, then one must presume that interest rates have already fully
adjusted to the implicit contingent liability. However, if markets have not
fully accounted for this implicit liability, then making it explicit could
lead to higher interest rates for U.S. government debt. 

For any level of real annuity at retirement, the corresponding current value
of recognition certificates would depend on a number of technical
assumptions. These assumptions have no impact on the real payouts from the
retirement annuities but determine the current notional value of recognition
certificates, which is useful for making broad economic comparisons. For
example, factoring in a 2 percent real annual rate of discount and including
other technical assumptions, the value of recognition certificates the U.S.
government would need to issue to ensure that all currently accrued
legislated future benefits are paid would be roughly $9-1/2 trillion.
Alternatively, at a 1 percent real rate, the value would be roughly $12
trillion, and at a 6 percent real rate, the value would be about $4-1/2
trillion. Because, under a wide range of assumptions, the magnitude of this
liability remains very large relative to the current outstanding federal
debt to the public -- $3.5 trillion -- the market adjustment could be

There is reason to suspect, however, that if such a liability is made
explicit in a manner similar to the transition procedure in Chile, each
dollar of new liability will weigh far less on financial markets than a
dollar of current public debt. In the case of the Chilean pension reform, a
significant portion of the implicit liability of their old system was made
explicit at the initiation of the new pension system by the issuance of
"recognition bonds" that were deposited in workers' individual accounts.
These bonds were initially nonmarketable, indexed for price inflation, and
yielded a fixed real return on a specified face value. In Chile, the
liquidation of these bonds generally occurs only after a worker retires and
the proceeds from the bonds are required to be paid in the form of an
annuity or through programmed partial withdrawals. These bonds have been
viewed as a different instrument from other forms of public debt, and it is
likely that if an instrument such as recognition certificates were issued
here, it also would be viewed as distinct from fully-liquid marketable
public debt. 

In effect, under privatization, the obligations of social security would be
transferred from an implicit government account to millions of private
individual accounts. Retirement needs would be funded first by the
conversion of recognition certificates, and later by withdrawals from
private defined contribution funds. The outstanding certificates would
accordingly decline with time, and finally be paid off some decades in the
future. But if benefits and contributions do not change, national savings
are only being transferred from the federal government account to that of
households and are not increased in the process. It is only if contributions
or private saving increases that household and national saving increases. 

The transfer of savings from public to private accounts would affect the
unified budget balance of the U.S. government, although precisely how that
balance would be affected would depend on the exact budgetary accounting
treatment adopted for recognition certificates. Certainly, with immediate
and full privatization, the on-going annual unified budget balance would
decline by at least the amount of the social security surplus: As payroll
taxes were diverted from public coffers to private accounts, they would no
longer count as tax revenues; similarly, payments of social security
benefits would not count as outlays. 

The issuance of recognition certificates under current accounting rules
presumably would also increase outlays and the deficit by the value of the
certificates at the time of issuance. Exactly how much the deficit would be
affected in the initial year, and how much in subsequent years, would depend
on how the certificates were structured and on bookkeeping conventions.
However, the basic effects of privatization on the budget deficit are
clear--the implicit liabilities of the social security system would start to
appear on our balance sheets now, rather than when the baby boomers retire. 

It is an open, but crucial, question as to how financial markets would
respond to a change of the magnitude contemplated by immediate full
privatization. Before any such move is made, a thorough examination of the
risks and benefits to the financial markets would be wise. The key issues
that will affect the economy are (1) the change from the implicit liability
of the current system to one of an irrevocable obligation to pay and (2) the
magnitude of changes in national saving and the level of
productivity-spurring investment. The budget bookkeeping on how
privatization is recorded has little significance. 

An alternative to what is clearly a "big bang" one-shot transition, in which
privatization occurs immediately for all, is a gradual transition where, for
example, only younger workers are accorded recognition certificates, and are
required to fund the remainder of their retirement needs through defined
contribution plans. Over the years, ever older groups would be included in
the new system. During the transition, two systems would operate in
parallel. Such a transition would involve smaller immediate increases in
recognition certificates (and in the unified budget deficit) and smaller
accompanying market risks, but would have larger effects in subsequent
years, as tax revenues from the younger groups would be diverted as
contributions to private accounts, whereas all social security benefits to
retirees would still be counted as government outlays. Thus, if there is a
unified budget surplus before the transition, it will be reduced or turned
to a deficit at least to the extent of the loss in tax revenues. In effect,
social security benefits will be increasingly financed with "general
revenues" for a time. Should this be the direction that the Congress decides
to move, containment of spending outside of social security doubtless would
be necessary to add assurances to the market. 

Ultimately, of course, even under a gradual transition, the system would be
almost fully privatized. I say almost because I presume Congress would
provide some form of assistance to those who through investment imprudence
or unforeseen events had retirement benefits below a certain level perceived
as an absolute minimum. Needless to say such a new entitlement would have to
be rigorously delimited because political pressures to increase it could be

Despite all of these complications, in the broader scheme of things, the
types of changes that will be required to restore fiscal balance to our
social security accounts are significant but manageable. More important,
most entail changes that are less unsettling if they are enacted soon, even
if their effects are significantly delayed, rather than waiting five or ten
years or longer for legislation. We owe it to those who will retire after
the turn of the century to be given sufficient advance notice to make what
alterations in retirement planning may be required. If we procrastinate too
long, the adjustments could be truly wrenching. Our senior citizens, both
current and future, deserve better.  
end, transcript of Greenspan's testimony


Tom Walker
knoW Ware Communications
Vancouver, B.C., CANADA
(604) 688-8296 
The TimeWork Web: http://www.vcn.bc.ca/timework/


Tom Walker
knoW Ware Communications
Vancouver, B.C., CANADA
(604) 688-8296 
The TimeWork Web: http://www.vcn.bc.ca/timework/

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