
There is so much sad news, that I will give some good news.
There is now an agreement in the Norwegian Parliament about not only 
giving parents with children who are not in kindergarten 
"cashsupport" - kontantstoette" - by 3000 Norwegian kroner per months 
in addition to child benefits, about 400 US dollars per month per 
child, but to increase the lowest pensions by 1000 Norwegian kroner 
per month - that is about 150 US dollars per month. In Norway 
everybody is getting pensions, included persons who did not pay 
pension premiums. That is a considerable increase, from 69.000 kroner 
per year to 81.000 kroner per year - from about 9.000 US dollars per 
year to almost 11.000 US dollars per year.

The Labour party is very much opposed to this. But they can not just 
stand there as those mean and cruel people who are opposed to 
everything that benefits those with least money. Polls show that 
about 80% of the populations supports these new contributions to 
those with least money. Labour has got to find an alternative.
Their work- and social policy, invented by Gro Harlem Brundtland, was 
a stick and carrot policy. They were in fact spending a lot of money 
on education to help unemployed people back to work. About one third 
of those unemployed were participating in courses/training/education 
that often were quite good and generous arrangements. But the bad 
side of their policy, which they called "Arbeidslinja" - "Workline" - 
was that people without work should have minimal support, if they were 
outside this system.

The new government's policy is supporting people who is outside 
their system. Last week I watch a debate where the former 
Prime Minister of the Labour Party took part. He said that Labour was 
developing an alternative policy. The goal of that policy is that 
nobody in Norway shall have less money at disposal per year than 
that new minimum pension. That means in fact that they are coming to 
propose a "guaranteed Citizen's income". It is known that people on 
welfare is having a life with not much dignity.
That means that Labour is abandoning an important part of Gro Harlem 
Brundtland's "Arbeidslinje" - "Workline" - policy.

At the election this fall only one political party put lower taxes as 
their first priority, and most political parties said they would not 
reduce taxes. It was the Conservatives that wanted lower taxes first 
of all, and they got only about 15% of the votes, and that is less 
than any time before since WWII. People do not want lower taxes, but 
are willing to pay more taxes to give those with the lowest pensions 
more money. 

Tor Forde

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