You'll find out when you want to solicit signatures for voting 
initiatives in their parking lot. My bet is they'll call the cops. You 
might want to check into the tax breaks they got for "bringing jobs" to 
your community.

-- CJR
"Salus populi suprema est lex" (Cicero)
The welfare of the people is the highest law.
"Genuine goodness is threatening to those 
at the opposite end of the moral spectrum." (Charles Spencer)

On Thu, 27 Nov 1997, Brian McAndrews wrote:

>  A new branch of Costco has just opened up in my hometown. Does anyone have
> info on who these guys are? Are they part of a larger TNC? I know they
> merged with Price Club in Oct. 93.
> **************************************************
> *  Brian McAndrews, Practicum Coordinator        *
> *  Faculty of Education, Queen's University      *
> *  Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6                     *
> *  FAX:(613) 545-6307  Phone (613) 545-6000x4937 *
> *  e-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]            *
> *   'Reexamine everything you've been told,      *
> *     and disregard everything that insults      *
> *     your soul' Walt Whitman                    *
> *                                                *
> **************************************************

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