---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 05 Dec 1997 03:41:22 -0400
Subject: fyi- Responsible Wealth response

At 06:59 PM 11/17/97 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Of interest from another list...
> The Global Citizen
> November 6, 1997
> Donella H. Meadows
> If you'd like more information about Responsible Wealth, you can
> contact United
> for a Fair Economy, 

The response:

Dear Friend:

Thank you for your recent inquiry about Responsible Wealth!  As you might
expect, we have had quite a strong response from Donella Meadows' recent
column about Responsible Wealth.

At this point, the best materials describing Responsible Wealth and our
upcoming Founding Forum in New York City are in printed form (brochure,
invitation, and newsletter).  We would be happy to fax a copy of these
materials to anyone who needs them right away (i.e., if you are interested
in attending the December 5-6 Forum in NYC or the Friday, December 5th
benefit reception).  If you need this information right away, please call
and ask to have it faxed to you, or mark your email "urgent."

The Founding Forum is for members and potential members of Responsible
Wealth (i.e., business leaders and wealthy individuals in the top 5% of
wealth and/or income in the US ($125,000 annual income and/or $500,000 net
assets)).  The benefit reception is open to all NY-area friends and
supporters, and features US Rep. Martin Sabo (Lead Sponsor of the Income
Equity Act), Sally Covington (Director of the Democracy and Philanthropy
Project), Katrina vanden Heuvel (Editor of The Nation), singer Si Kahn and
the Class Acts theater troupe.  The cost is $35.

If you are not interested in attending those events, please forward your
mailing address (if you haven't already), and indicate that you are
following up on a previous inquiry.  Please do not email a copy of this
notice or the article, etc.   Most of our efforts these days are focused on
preparing for the Forum, but we will mail out a packet of information as
soon as we are able after December 6th.  We will be happy to take you off
our mailing list at any point if you wish.

We believe that the voice of Responsible Wealth is one that is sorely
needed in order to counteract the current trends toward concentration of
wealth, an increasing wage gap, increasing corporate power, and the
dominance of our political system by big money interests.  As beneficiaries
of a system that is heavily tilted in our favor, we believe it is in our
long-term best interest to change some of the rules of the economy so that
it works for all of us, not just the wealthiest among us.

If you are wealthy, please consider joining Responsible Wealth ($100/yr.).
If you are not wealthy, but support this work, please join our parent
organization, United for a Fair Economy (UFE) for $25/yr. (email:
[EMAIL PROTECTED], or see UFE's website, listed below).  You can also make a
contribution of any amount to either the Responsible Wealth project or UFE.
Although Responsible Wealth is organizing wealthy individuals and business
leaders, we are a non-profit operating on a limited budget at this stage.
Any contributions are welcome.

Thank you again for your inquiry and your support.  Keep in touch, and
please help us spread the word.

-Mike Lapham, Project Director


Responsible Wealth - Business leaders and wealthy individuals joining
together to speak out for greater economic fairness and shared prosperity.

Responsible Wealth is a project of
United for a Fair Economy
37 Temple Place, 5th Floor
Boston, MA 02111
PH 617-423-2148
FAX 617-423-0191
UFE Web: http://www.stw.org

Mark your calendar: Responsible Wealth Founding Forum, December 5-6, NYC.
Benefit reception for NYC-area friends Friday, December 5, 5:30-7:00.
Please join us!

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