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Date: Thu, 04 Dec 1997 10:52:23 -0600
From: Esty Dinur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: (en) Nicaragua sweatshop alert!


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letters to Wal-Mart, Kmart and J.C. Penney
"Hard Copy" Exposes Nicaraguan Sweatshops
The plight of the Nicaraguans who work in the factories of the Free 
Trade Zone in Managua was brought to the attention of the U.S. public 
in November when the US television program "Hard Copy" aired a three-
part report about the Free Trade Zone that exposed the poor working 
conditions, starvation-level salaries and use of under-age labor in 
those factories.  Now, letters are needed to the chief executive 
officers of Wal-Mart, Kmart and J.C. Penney, all of which have 
contracts in Nicaragua's Free Trade Zone, asking them not to leave 
Nicaragua but rather to remain, work to clean up the factories and 
guarantee respect for human and worker rights.
The Free Trade Zone in Nicaragua was first set up by the Somoza 
dictatorship in the 1970's.  It was converted to national production
during the Sandinista revolution but when the Sandinistas lost the 
1990 elections, the government of Violeta Chamorro opened the zone 
once more to mostly foreign companies which pay no taxes while 
assembling products for export.  Exports from the Free Trade Zone have 
grown from $2.9 million in 1992 to an estimated $250 million for 1997.  
However, average monthly earnings of workers have dropped in the same
period from $50.00 to $25.50.  The present administration of right-
wing Liberal Alliance president Arnoldo Aleman has promised to 
increase foreign investment in the export assembly sector.
According to Charles Kernaghan, director of the National Labor 
Committee (NLC), who was featured on the programs, sweatshop owners 
take advantage of Nicaragua's high unemployment rate to pay miserable 
wages to workers. The "Hard Copy" programs included testimonies from 
workers in which they spoke of sexual harassment and physical and 
verbal abuse by floor supervisors in factories that produce for Wal-
Mart, K-Mart, and JC Penny.  
At a press conference before the first "Hard Copy" program, the NLC 
distributed documentation showing the low salaries of the workers.  
For example, the Chentex factory is one of the largest contractors in 
the zone and the site of production for several major U.S. companies 
including Wal-Mart, J.C. Penney, Kmart and others.  One Chentex worker's 
pay slip indicated that she earned 299.04 cordobas for 14 
days of work.  At 9.8 cordobas to the U.S. dollar, this comes to 
$30.51 for the two week period or $2.18 per day.  The workday is 9 
hours and 15 minutes, which means that the worker earned 22 cents an 
hour. She also worked seven hours of overtime which increased her wage 
to 340 cordobas, which is $34.69 for the 14 day period and brings 
her fully-loaded wage to 24 cents an hour.
Another worker, at the Barons International factory, earned a base 
wage of only 10 cents an hour and a fully-loaded wage including 
overtime, of only 14 cents an hour.  At Istmo Textil, one worker's pay 
stub reflected a base wage of 10 cents an hour and total earnings of 
$13.78 for a 67 hour work week bringing her wage to less than 21 cents 
an hour.  Copies of all of these pay stubs are available upon request from
the NLC (212-242-3002).
The program made headlines in all Nicaraguan newspapers and caused an 
uproar in the Free Trade Zone Corporation, the government entity 
charged with overseeing the zone and bringing new investment to the 
country. Corporation head Gilberto Wong said the TV reports were 
totally inaccurate.  
Minister of Labor Wilfredo Navarro made an announced visit to the zone 
to inspect conditions himself, and, to the surprise of no one, found 
everything in order, and claimed that child labor is not used in the 
factories.  However, Pedro Ortega, head of the Federation of Textile 
and Garment Workers of the Sandinista Workers Central (CST), charged 
that the sexual harassment and exploitative practices that many 
workers must endure are carried out with the complicity of the 
Ministry of Labor.  He also accused some of the companies in the zone 
of raising the quota of pieces each worker must complete in a day 
without any corresponding salary increase.  
A Nicaraguan newspaper stated that the "Hard Copy" report has led to 
the suspension of a $17 million project that would have created 2,300 
new jobs.  Gilberto Wong said that he received a call from the 
investors from the Taiwanese Chi-Hsing group after the airing of the 
"Hard Copy" report, informing him that they have decided to suspend 
the project. 
Wong also said that the giant U.S. retailer, Wal-Mart, was withdrawing 
its contracts from Nicaragua but, in a conversation with the Nicaragua 
Network, Betsey Reithmeyer of the Corporate Affairs Office of Wal-
Mart stated in the strongest terms that Wal-Mart was not pulling out 
of Nicaragua.  Reithmeyer also stated that Wal-Mart's contractors paid 
the minimum wage in Nicaragua, which was raised recently to 25 cents 
per hour. But this is still not enough for the basic needs of even one 
person, let alone a family.
Nine workers have been fired since the programs aired; four of the 
workers are among those who spoke on camera about wages and conditions 
in the factories.  The others had been involved in union organizing 
efforts.  A worker died in the Free Trade Zone in the middle of the 
controversy, electrocuted by a piece of machinery that workers had 
reported was malfunctioning but which was not repaired.
Pedro Ortega reported that 130 workers at the U.S.-owned Jem III 
Factory have organized a union and have registered with Ministry of 
Labor.  Workers at the Rocedes Factory, also U.S.-owned, will be 
setting up their union in the coming days.  
The Nicaraguan National Assembly's Labor Committee sent a delegation 
to visit the Zone, requesting permission to inspect four factories.  
They were denied entrance to Rocedes, a U.S.-owned factory mentioned 
in the Hard Copy report.  The Sandinista bench in the National 
Assembly released a statement stating that while the nation needed 
foreign investment, investors had to respect the rights of workers as 
laid out in the Nicaraguan constitution and labor code.
On November 30, the first Central America Free Trade Zone Seminar was 
held in Managua. It was organized by the Sandinista Workers Central 
(CST) and attended by representatives of workers from Central America 
and the Caribbean.  Officials from the Nicaraguan Labor Ministry and 
Free Trade Zone Corporation gave presentations at the meeting but did 
not remain long enough to dialogue with workers.  Sandinista trade 
unionists stated that while the free trade zones are an economic 
necessity in Nicaragua, it is also necessary that a type of tri-
partite collaboration take place between the government, employers and 
unions with the door open to the legislature and to human rights 
The Superior Council of Private Enterprise (COSEP) has taken out 
quarter-page ads in the daily newspapers criticizing the 
sensationalistic tone of the "Hard Copy" report and "categorically 
denying" the report's claims of inhumane working conditions.  It 
appears, however, that the right-wing is not united behind these 
claims.  A number of Liberal deputies with roots in non-Sandinista 
unions have accused the Minister of Labor of being in cahoots with the 
owners of the factories in the Zone.  While Catholic Monsignor Eddy 
Montenegro argued that the Zone is "an important source of 
employment," he reminded the government that "dignity of the workers 
must be maintained" and urged a more in-depth study of working 
Please write to the chief executive officers of Wal-Mart, Kmart and J.C. 
Penney at the following addresses.  A sample letter follows:
Mr. David Glass, CEO
Wal-Mart Home Office
702 SW 8th Street
Bentonville, AR 72716
Fax: (501)273-4894
Mr. James E. Oestereicher, CEO
J.C. Penney
P.O. Box 10001
Dallas, TX 75024
Fax: (972) 431-9518
Mr. Floyd Hall, CEO
Kmart Corporation
3100 West Big Beaver
Troy, MI 48084
Fax: (248) 614-1970
Dear Mr. _______________:
I am very disturbed by the revelations on the TV program "Hard Copy" 
of violations of worker rights in factories in Nicaragua sewing 
garments for your company.  I urge you to take the lead in setting a 
new corporate ethic.  Do not pull out of Nicaragua.  Instead, demand 
that your contractors work to guarantee respect for Nicaraguan 
workers' rights.  The workers fired for appearing on television should 
be reinstated--along with those targeted in the recent wave of firings 
of suspected union supporters.  
Your corporate code of conduct should be translated, posted in each 
factory which sews for your company and explained and distributed to 
workers.  If you believe in human rights, your contractors' factories 
should be open to true independent monitoring by respected local human 
rights and religious organizations whom the workers trust.
Your company should also immediately join the White House Task Force 
to Eliminate Sweatshop Abuses.  I am anxious to know what concrete 
steps you are taking, so that I can alert members of my family and 

(end of sample letter)
For more information, contact:
Nicaragua Network, 1247 "E" Street, SE, Washington, DC 20003; (202) 
544-9355; e-mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
Witness for Peace, 110 Maryland Ave. NE, Suite 304, Washington, DC 
20002; e-mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Order the publication "Sewing 
Justice: U.S. Solidarity & the Workers' Struggle in Nicaragua's 
Maquilas."  (202) 544-0781
National Labor Committee, 275 Seventh Ave., 15th Fl. New York, NY 
10001; (212) 242-3002; Web site:  Order a videotape
copy of the "Hard Copy" program and a packet full of information 
on Hard Copy and NLC's findings in Nicaragua.

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Esty Dinur                   

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