
I found your post to be a gem amongst the coal-dust

I have lurked for a couple of years in FW and continue to do so despite the
high "noise/gems" ratio

My own take is that most of what is posted is intellectual ramblings that I
can do little with

When I post "practical stuff that has the potential to change the world"
which I am focussed on through Candians for Direct Democracy, few people
respond, thus my meat may be poison to some of you, and of little interest
to others

Nevertheless, despite my analysis that there is little of value for me in
FW, a gem like Tom's makes it worthwhile for another month

Colin Stark
Canadians for Direct Democracy
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (listserv)


At 11:13 PM 12/9/97 -0800, Tom Walker wrote:
>Ed Weick wondered (in part):
>> Am I alone in wondering where we are going?
>And Michael Spencer replied (in part),
>>I, for one, don't think the answer is "off into blue sky" or "around in
>>circles". . . 
>And . . . to judge the listserv by the conversation on the list is missing a
>large part of the show. I've collaborated with people from the Futurework
>list and from other lists on several research/writing projects. For example,
>a paper that Michael Spencer helped me to revise has recently been
>circulated to the Canadian Labour Congress's Ad Hoc Working Group on Work
>Time, accompanied by a commendation from the CLC's senior economist (Thanks
>again, Michael!). 


>A thought occurred to me in response to Ed's question: a listserv isn't
>"Twelve Angry Men". What I meant by that is, unlike a courtroom drama, the
>discussion isn't guided by a coherent, underlying narrative. As is my habit
>whenever a cultural reference pops into my head, I did a web search on
>"Twelve Angry Men" and found a course outline from the University of
>Michigan that included a blurb on "twelve lessons from twelve angry men".
>The course in question was Organizational Behaviour 501 and it also included
>a unit on . . . yup,  "the future of work".


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