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Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 12:51:01 +0000
From: Sara Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: People's Summit 98 (TOES) - Background and Programme

"Come to the People's Summit as THE event to reclaim the economy for people
and nature"

Vandana Shiva

18th December 1997


Dear Colleague,

The People's Summit

As you may know, leaders of the world's most powerful countries come to
Birmingham on May 15 - 17th 1998 for the G8 Summit. This is a wonderful
opportunity for you to help set the case for social and environmental
change. I am writing to let you know how you can get involved.

The G8 Summit is the most powerful economic summit of the year. It is a
self-selected club of the rich but their decisions affect the whole world,
it's people and nature. The G8 are Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan,
UK, the USA and, most recently, Russia. This is the first summit in Britain
since 1991.

Every year since 1984, a citizens event (originally called The Other
Economic Summit) has taken place alongside the G8 Summit, to raise key
social and ecological campaign issues, to challenge the right of the G8 to
take decisions that affect the world, and to present alternatives. These
events have had a very real effect, helping to alter the agenda of the G8
Summit, changing where the G8 Summits have met and at times stealing the
media limelight from the official G8 event.

The New Economics Foundation grew out of the first of these events and has
been involved in facilitating them ever since. Now, after extensive and
creative preparation and consultation, I am delighted to let you know of
the People's Summit, which promises to be our best chance yet to assert the
case for a just and sustainable world economy.

One year in to a new government's term of office, we hope to enable
progressive elements of all parts of civil society to use this opportunity
to raise awareness, concern and profile of practical and policy

There are signs that the People's Summit could be a breakthrough event. The
British Foreign Office has invited and is considering proposals on how to
make a link with the official G8 Summit. A number of mainstream businesses
are willing to join the proceedings. Around four thousand journalists are
expected to come to Birmingham. On one important issue alone within the
People's Summit, the agony caused by third world debt, the Jubilee 2000
campaign aim to attract 50,000 people for a mass action.

I enclose an outline programme for you to look at. It will evolve as you
and others respond to the opportunity. Our overall aim is to:

· challenge world leaders to create a just and sustainable economy
· call for a more democratic way to take decisions that affect people
· demonstrate people power
· celebrate practical alternatives
· set an agenda for policy change
· demonstrate pride in the wider environmental and social movements

The People's Summit is not an organisation but a framework for
organisations of many forms to put on or join events and campaigns. By
taking an enabling role, the People's Summit can better project the
incredible energy of a broad alliance and a multitude of ideas and people
in action.

The importance of the event reflects the extent to which the dynamic of
globalisation now affects so many social and environmental issues. The G8
Summit is a powerful advocate of economic globalisation but has also helped
to dismantle or disable legitimate global institutions. Our challenge to
the G8 is for it to frame `public policy' that fosters rather than erodes
responsible citizenship, by individuals and by companies.

I think that the People's Summit therefore provides an unparalleled
opportunity to influence and impact the world's opinion leaders and
decisions makers.  Can you afford not to be involved?

How You can Get Involved

The People's Summit can provide space for meetings, workshops and press
briefings and a programme of events for a public audience.  We have
attached a reply form that will enable you to let us know how you would
like to be involved.  In order for us to plan the publicity and programme
we will need your reply by 31st January 1998.  This will leave enough time
for those who are involved in organising events to have their name on the
full programme for distribution.

The event will receive a large amount of pre-publicity and we would like to
ask you to assist us with this.  The People's Summit is not a formal
coalition but there are opportunities for organisations to co-brand the
programme where they are assisting with distributing the programme,
organising major events or contributing to our People's Summit Fighting

We have set up a People's Summit Fighting Fund to help finance the
organisation and advertising of the event.  If you, or your supporters,
would be interested in contributing to the Fund please tick the relevant
box on the reply form.

An advisory group for the People's Summit has been meeting since April this
year.  If you would like to be involved in this group please contact Sara
for details.

Prior to the G8 Summit the Finance Ministers of the G8 countries will be
meeting in London on 21st-22nd February 1998.  We are organising a press
conference for Sunday 22nd February to launch the People's Summit in the
press.  In addition, we are holding a public launch for the People's Summit
for New Economics Foundation supporters and others the week following, on
Saturday 28th February at Westminster Central Hall in London.  Wolfgang
Sachs of the Wuppertal Institute has been invited to speak at both of these
events. If you would like to attend, please let us know in the space
provided on the reply form.

Your involvement in the People's Summit programme will contribute
enormously to making the People's Summit a truly representative event
dealing with the REAL issues in complete contrast to the official G8
Summit.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Best wishes,

Ed Mayo
Executive Director

A wide range of agencies are active in making the People's Summit a
success. These include, on the initial advisory group:
Ronni Hall, Friends of the Earth; Ed Posey, Gaia Foundation; Helen
Appleton, Intermediate Technology; Herbert Girardet, Schumacher Circle,
James Marriot, Platform; Jayanti Durai, Consumers International; John
Elkington, Sustainability Ltd, Judith Hannah, NEF Trustee; Julian Parr,
Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum; Ken Dixon, St Lukes; Paul Ekins,
Forum for the Future; Pryanthi Fernando, NEF Trustee; Ann Pettifor, Jubilee
2000; Vicki Hird, SAFE Alliance; David Kingsley, Schumacher Circle; Andrew
Simms, Christian Aid; Jakob Von Uexkull, Right Livelihood Foundation;
Jessica Woodroffe, World Development Movement; Larry Elliot, The Guardian;
Nick Mayhew, Oikos; Roger Levett, CAG Consultants; Tracy Worcester,
Schumacher Circle; Neil Cooper, Church Action on Poverty.

PEOPLE'S SUMMIT Programme 15-17th May 1998

Friday 15th May 1998

Sustainable Consumption conference
Sustainable consumption is becoming one of the defining dilemmas of the
millennium.  An all day conference will explore the issues in recognition
of the central challenge that changing "consumption" patterns now plays in
the transition to a just and sustainable society.

Saturday 16th May 1998

People's Tribunal on the G8 and Globalisation
A `calling to account' of the G8 and a questioning of the legitimacy of the
G8's disproportionate economic and political impact.

The P8 Summit

Shadowing the G8 agenda this forum will offer visionary yet practical ways
forward around the issues of global institutional and economic governance.

Make a Chain to Break the Chains of Debt
The Jubilee 2000 Coalition is organising a series of events that will
culminate in the formation of a human chain around the G8 Summit venue to
focus attention on the ongoing debt crisis in developing countries.

Sunday 17th May 1998

People's Summit Rally
Participants in the People's Summit will come together on the Sunday to
listen to key-note speakers and issue the People's Summit communiqué.

all three days 15th-17th May 98

People Power Site
An illustration of the ways in which communities can transform themselves
using the tools of the new economics focusing on turning a piece of
degraded ground into a blooming organic garden over the week-end of the
People's Summit.

People's Space
A forum within which organisations can hold their own workshop or other
event.  The People's Space programme will receive the same billing on the
publicity as the main People's Summit programme.

People's Summits around the country
An organisers pack is available to assist people in organising a people's
summit in their own community.

People's Summit Newspaper  and the People's Summit Website

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