-----Original Message-----
Date: Thursday, February 05, 1998 8:22 PM
Subject: Re: y2k -Reply


You probably recognize Edward Yourdon's name as one of the
longtime gurus of structured programming. (For those on the list who
don't recognize his name, for years Ed wrote books, conducted
seminars and sold tools to help people trying to manage unmanageable
systems like the ones running 360 assembler that should be turned into
boat anchors.) Ed would have a good handle on how computer shops
around the world are fairing. He recently wrote a book with his daughter,
something like 'The Year 2000 Meltdown.' He ended a recent e-mail
on the 2000 software newsgroup with this:

>P.S. Yes, I live in New Mexico now.  In my humble opinion New York
>City will resemble Beirut in Jan 2000. I don't want to be there when
>the lights go out, the subways stop, the airports shut down, and the
>less-affluent citizens of the city realize that it could be several weeks
>or months before they receive their food stamps, welfare checks,
>Medicare payments, and unemployment checks.
>   Donald Trump may not care, but another 7 million New York citizens
>may discover that Y2K is not such an academic concept after all.
>Maybe that will be enough to get a few more minutes of coverage on
>Edward Yourdon, 1008-A Paseo Del Pueblo Sur, # 261
>Taos, NM 87571-6412   <=>   phone/fax: 888-814-7605
>mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Web: http://www.yourdon.com

I believe it was Burrows who wrote, 'Just because you're paranoid doesn't
mean they're not out to get you' and Andy, The President of Intel, Groves,
wrote whole book titled, 'Only the Paranoid Survive.' Looks like I'll have
company in my little padded cell.


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