I've forgotten who I responded to here,
sory if it is a repeat.


I think I did have a similar question before -
I don't think that the "home-industry"
style production can satisfy the needs of the present number
of people. Also, if we can find the sustainable means
of cutting down on the soul-numbing jobs, why shouldn't
we? Lets keep the capitalism created wonders
of science and technology, through democratic
control, let's make sure it is done sustainably
and with minimal environmental degregation.
I picture the next era witha minimum of
rotated unwanted task, and full individual
creative development.


> Eva, why would we want to keep mass production; which is a
> particular manifestation of capitalist production relations
> pertaining to a particular accumulation regime of a particular era
> in the techno-eco omic history of capitalism, for a sustainable
> world may I ask. I am sorry if I am out of context here because I
> didn't listen well...
> baha 
> >>> "Durant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 02/12/98 12:51 >>>
> Mass production and globalisation is necessary
> if we want to sustain sustainably the earth's
> population. That is why we cannot go back
> to some quaint early form of capitalism.
> Eva

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