Pete wrote:
(work) or perhaps regarded as a minor necessary action expected of
any civilized human, to be done for a few hours a week, on a par
with vacuuming the house; or perhaps both, depending on the type of
work required.
Nice little essay.  This quote, tied in with Tom Walkers note about 15% of all necessary production less, advertising etc. seems to make sense.  In the 60's, those glorious days of old, we actually looked down the track to the 90's and postulated ideas similar to yours - what happened?  Lyndon Johnson, Tricky Dick, Trudeau all experimented with a GAI and the results weren't all that bad for an experiment and then it died.
I might argue that a "compelling reason" was not put forth that made those experiments into a broader reality.  Let's find the reason for change before we attempt to settle the details of change.
Thomas Lunde

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