>Date: Thu, 4 Sep 1997 10:29:42 -0700 (PDT)
>Precedence: bulk
>From: Michael Eisenscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Labor Research and Action Project  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>X-To: (Recipient list suppressed)
>On Novebemr 14-16 there will be a major international conference in San
>Francisco -- the Western Hemisphere Workers' Conference Against NAFTA and
>Privatizations.  Delegations are expected from labor movements throughout
>Latin America, Canada, and the U.S..
>Congress will very shortly open debate on whether to give President Clinton
>"fast track" authorization in forthcoming trade negotiations.  Under fast
>track authorization, the President would not be required to submit the
>individual provisions of new trade agreements to the scrutiny and approval
>by Congress.  The final treaties would be voted up or down.  Fast track gave
>us NAFTA.  In the works are similar  agreements with Chile, other countries
>of So. America and Asia.
>In preparation for the conference, and to draw attention to the dangers of
>Fast Track authorization, the W. Hemisphere Workers' Conference organizers
>are sponsoring the following event.
>Please circulate this information to your union and other concerned
>organizations and individuals.
>* Become an organizer against  "FAST TRACK" legislation, NAFTA expansion,
>and the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI).
>* Find out from Bay Area unionists and anti-NAFTA activists what Clinton's
>FAST TRACK power to negotiate trade deals will mean for workers' rights, our
>health and the environment.
>* Participate in organizing workshops by Congressional District to map out
>an emergency campaign to get our Congressional representatives to oppose
>* Help prepare public hearings with local Congressional representatives on
>this issue.
>* Help organize Bay Area support for the Western Hemisphere Workers'
>Saturday, September 13, 1997  --  3 p.m. to 6 p.m
>at International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 6 Hall
>255 - 9th St. (between Howard & Folsom) in San Francisco
>There will be speakers, informational tables and music. For more
>information, call (415) 681-5868.
>Western Hemisphere
>Workers' Conference
>Against NAFTA & Privatizations
>Ramada Inn Civic Center
>San Francisco, California
>This historic conference, endorsed by the California Labor Federation
>(AFL-CIO), the United Farm Workers, the Bay Area Labor Councils, the ILWU,
>and scores of other union federations, union locals and community and
>environmental organizations from throughout the Americas, will bring
>together hundreds of unionists and activists to build a unified
>hemisphere-wide response to the policies of "free trade," privatization and
>* Conference plenaries will feature leaders of the U.S. and international
>trade union movement. There will also be an array of issue-specific and
>sector and industrial workshops.
>* Fee: $85 - includes Friday night banquet dinner, coffee, pastries,
>conference bulletins, packet. ($65 registration for all sessions except
>Friday night banquet dinner.)
>All registrations must be received by October 15 at WHC, c/o San Francisco
>Labor Council, 1188 Franklin St. #203, San Francisco, CA 94109. For more
>information, call (415) 681-5868 or 440-4809.
>* Help us promote this conference as widely as possible. Come to our next
>Conference planning meeting on Tuesday,  Sept. 9 (at 7 p.m.) at Global
>Exchange, 2017 Mission St., 3rd Floor.
>Be part of history in the making!
>Sept. 13 Emergency Rally sponsored by Bay Area 50 Years is Enough Campaign,
>Alliance for Democracy and Organizing Committee for the Western Hemisphere
>Workers' Conference.
>The Western Hemisphere Conference web page can be accessed at:
>Call Your Member of Congress
>Stop the Fast Track to Economic Disaster
>In September, legislation will be introduced in Congress to
>grant President Clinton "Fast Track" negotiating authority.
>Fast Track restricts the ability of Congress to influence
>international trade and investment agreements. Under Fast
>Track, Congress cannot amend the agreements, and the amount of
>time Congress has to debate them is extremely limited, meaning
>that most members of Congress never even read these agreements
>before voting on them!
>The legislation that will be introduced in September is
>expected to provide the President with 5-8 years of Fast Track
>authority. The Fast Track legislation is not expected to
>require that trade or investment agreements include labor and
>environmental protections written into them. This means that
>future agreements could have more useless side agreements as
>with NAFTA — or worse — no mention of labor and environment at all!
>If Fast Track passes, two agreements are expected to come up
>for consideration within the next year: NAFTA expansion and
>the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI).
>NAFTA Expansion
>Despite more than three years of NAFTA failures, President
>Clinton and NAFTA's corporate backers plan to use Fast Track
>to expand NAFTA to all of Latin America — starting with Chile.
>NAFTA's failures include:
>## The loss of an estimated 420,000 jobs and wage stagnation in the United
>## Increased pollution along the U.S.-Mexico border, assaults by
>business interests on environmental laws in all three NAFTA
>countries, and the weakening of U.S. highway safety and food safety standards;
>##  In Mexico real wages have dropped 27%, and more than two
>million workers in the agricultural, small business, and small
>industrial sectors have become unemployed.
>Multilateral Agreement on Investment
>The MAI, also known as the "Corporate Bill of Rights," is
>being negotiated by the worlds richest countries who plan to
>strong arm developing countries to accept the MAI terms.
>Countries that sign the MAI will be required to:
>$  Open all economic sectors to foreign ownership;
>$  Treat foreign investors as if they were domestic firms;
>$  Allow corporations to sue governments directly if they feel
>    any government regulations impede "free trade";
>$  Settle disputes through unelected international panels whose
>    decisions would be non-appealable;
>MAI will hasten the "race to the bottom" in environmental &
>living standards by prohibiting many protection laws.
>Spread the Word: We Can Stop Fast Track
>Big Business is currently running a multi-million dollar
>campaign to pass Fast Track. Fast Track can be stopped only if
>members of Congress hear from voters who oppose Fast Track,
>NAFTA expansion, and MAI.
>Reps. Nancy Pelosi, Lynn Woolsey, Ellen Tauscher, Anna Eshoo,
>and Zoe Lofgren are undecided on Fast Track.
>Call them toll free at 1-888-723-5246 and tell them, "Vote No on Fast Track"
>(or write to Rep ______, House of Representatives, Washington DC 20515.)
>"Stop Fast Track, NAFTA, and MAI" postcards are available from Inkworks Press.
>Call 510-845-7111 for information.
>For more information on Fast Track, NAFTA and MAI, call Public
>Citizen at 202-546-4996
>or check the website http://www.rtk.net/preamble

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