Tor Forde wrote:
> Thomas Lunde wrote:
> > Dear Tor:
> > I appreciate your posting and your eloquent comments about everyone
> > wanting to contribute.  I seem to recall when reading the FW archives
> > that you tried to start a small business growing something in the sea
> > and that you were forced to discontinue it because you could not find
> > adequate financing for your project and your livelihood.  The original
> > question posed the question that everyone - man - woman - child
> > receive a Basic Income.

I guess I haven't been reading closely enough, because I really *like*
this idea of a Basic Income for every man, woman -- and *child*. 
are, IMO, still far too much at the mercy of the relatively unchecked
power of their family, at least in the United States and the N > 2 th
Worlds.  Providing children with a Basic Income would give them
a better chance of getting away from parents who are either 
wilfully injurious, or "well intentioned" with injurious effects (the
latter was mostly my case -- check out

if you are interested in my particular "case").  

Such a Basic Income for
children would not need to take the form of a "handout", since
most kids have full time jobs anyway, even though "our" [at least
sometimes, only so-called...] society does not define going to "that
place called school" as a job, or the tasks 
these persons take home with them (AKA "homework") as work either. 
I've written about my "schooling", too:


Now I'm sure somebody's going to tell me that children are not
mature enough to choose for themselves, and, of course, in a certain
measure, varying inversely with age in general and varying
in specific ways with all sorts of factors in particular cases, that is
correct.  But society often holds up as paragons children of ages
between ca. 7 and 15 who do an adult's job of taking care of their
families (e.g., alcoholic parents...), so the 
issue is *largely* one of irrational power politics, self-righteousness,
"projection" (see below...), etc.

Yes, definitely: School kids and housewives are both full-time
workers, and deserve their aliquot share of income, instead of,
in the case of the housewife, the husband receiving it, and in the
case of children, the parents receiving it.  

We need to make childhood and apprenticeship (whether "blue collar"
or "Phd" or whtever) less painful, so that, when the young
persons themselves get into positions of seniority they won't
have the pent up hostility to need to persecute the next generation
(ref.: Alice Miller, _For Your Own Good_, and _Thou
Shalt Not Be Aware_, etc.).

Great idea!  Let's "Just do it!"

\brad mccormick

   Mankind is not the master of all the stuff that exists, but
   Everyman (woman, child) is a judge of the world.

Brad McCormick, Ed.D. / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(914)238-0788 / 27 Poillon Rd, Chappaqua, NY 10514-3403 USA
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