Jay Hanson wrote:
> The triumph of capitalism and democracy could have been predicted
> by evolutionary theory. Capitalism extends the human genetic
> propensity to exploit (make the best use of something: profit)
> and lie (meant to give a wrong impression: advertise).  Democracy
> is simply the freedom to exploit and lie.  Self-deception keeps
> us from knowing what we are really up to.

Cornelius Castoriadis (_World in Fragments_) argues that capitalism and
democracy are antithetical.  Further elaborating the same notion of
*democracy* Hannah Arendt described in _The Human Condition_, 
of the ancient Greek polis, 
Castoriadis sees democracy as mankind's rational (i.e.,
reasonable, not algorithmic) self-governance, as opposed to all
"heteronomous" forms of social organization, where persons
do not open-endedly question and mutually decide their future,
but rather obey generally mystified patterns of pregiven social
organization.  Castoriadis says that, insofar as we *do* have
democracy, it is a result of the people struggling against
the all-devouring maw of Capital.  He sees this struggle as
having largely been given up in the post World War II period.

Castoriadis is apparently a former Trotskyist who has endeavored
not to throw the baby out with the bathwater.  I am currently
trying to track down a photograph which I feel pretty much
summarizes the lost hopes and the crushed hopes of the 20th
century:  It is a picture of Leon Trotsky lecturing in
Copenhagen (1938?).  Trotsky's animated face (and probably upraised
hand, making a point) is brightly lit against a dark background.
The whole picture is covered with "scintillations", as if the print
was made from a glass plate which had been fractured, like an
automobile windshield struck by a rock (the picture
may in fact be from a fractured glass negative).  The
broken picture of a broken man's [unbroken? or just
autonomic?] determination to keep
fighting to the end for a broken dream.  

     There is no memory which time does not efface, and
     no pain to which death does not bring an end.
\brad mccormick

   Mankind is not the master of all the stuff that exists, but
   Everyman (woman, child) is a judge of the world.

Brad McCormick, Ed.D. / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(914)238-0788 / 27 Poillon Rd, Chappaqua, NY 10514-3403 USA
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