Dear future workers,

Danish workers have come out in a national strike for less work and the
strike is popular. The call is for a 6th vacation week.
Industry, transport and construction are laying still, when the workers
with a majority voted against the union leaders negociated package. The
content was ridiculous in relation to the enormous profits gained by danish
capitalists and stockowners.

This should come to the headlines in international news, but as long as
this information is more worker-friendly than friendly to inter-national
capital, strong interests will try to contain and supress this radical
information. A signal that workers are more than mere individuals, but also
a political class, is bad news to the neo-liberalist managers at all

In Denmark we are also voting in a referendum(against or for) the Amsterdam
Treaty(EU) the 28th of May. There is a strong and progressive demand for
national self-determination in Denmark(not nationalististic) and the ruling
political class fear that the workers struggle against capital will develop
into an antagonistic relation to the coalition government(Socialdemocrats
and progressive Liberal) that is warmly agitating for the Amsterdam
Treaty(thereby giving up the danish way of building a wellfare-society).

With hopes for the struggle of the working people to gain more control of
their working life, I suggest you look to small Denmark
to study workers struggle on a national scale in real time, not theory.

If you want more details, write me and I will try to send more information.

John Graversgaard
Psychologist and labour inspector(Danish OSHA)

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