At present large densities of people in Japan, Holland,
etc have high standard of living and falling birth rates.
At present population levels are not the cause of rising poverty, 
but the insane structure of economics and distribution.
If all your scientists are incapable of seeing such an
evident fact, I don't
give a damn for their opinion. 


> >  individual freedoms
> > would be only lessened for a small minority,
> > for the rest I think a change to the future
> > I advocate would mean more individual freedom.
> This is your great speculative hope. If the worlds scientists are to be
> believed(back to for multiple exhibits of declarations signed by
> thousands), then freedoms shrink daily with NET 250,000 human pop. increase
> & daily loss/pollution of vital resources. Are we to believe you or the
> thousands of concerned scientists? Freedom is constrained/limited by
> life(growing) demands & available (shrinking)options. Again the cornucopian
> fallacy raises its ugly head. 
> Is my writing unclear to other readers?
> Steve

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