With farmers burning Monsanto's test fields of GM cotton and this
boycott, the rebellion against the corporate enclosure of genetic
material has begun. I urge all Georgists and other right thinking
people to participate in any way that they feel is appropriate.

Caspar Davis


 BIO-IPR resource pointer

 AUTHOR: Nandita Sharma and Allison Campbell, Basmati Action Group
 TITLE: North American Boycott against Rice Tec called
 IN: submitted as campaign announcement to BIO-IPR
 DATE: 29 November 1998
 PLACE: Vancouver, Canada
 NOTE: Please contact the Basmati Action Group for more information, to
 indicate your support to their campaign or to share ideas on
explanding the
 campaign to other countries.

 c/o 1957 Kitchener St. Vancouver, B.C. Canada V5L 2W6
 Tel. (1-604) 255-4910   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Website: http://www.eciad.bc.ca/~lolin/basmati/


 November 29, 1998

 The Basmati Action Group (BAG) has launched a North American boycott
 the products of Rice Tec Corporation of Alvin, Texas, USA. Rice Tec
 to have invented the basmati rice they sell under the trade name,
 (Rice Tec products also include "Jasmati" and "Kasmati" rice). The
 of the boycott is to heighten awareness of the issue of life-patents,
 organize public condemnation of this process and demonstrate that the
 patenting of life will be costly - not profitable - to those that pirate
 indigenous knowledge and nature's creative capacities. We ask that you
 support the Basmati Action Group in our boycott of all Rice Tec products.

 Why support a boycott on Rice Tec?

 Basmati rice has been grown in the Punjab region of India and Pakistan
 centuries. Working with nature's own creative capacities, farmers in this
 area have, over time, cross bred and cultivated this distinct form of
 known for  its fragrant aroma and unique taste. For the farmers of
India and
 Pakistan, basmati rice is a vital subsistence food and source of income.

 In 1997, the powerful United States Patent and Trademark Office accepted
 Rice Tec's application to patent basmati rice (patent # 5,663,484). By
 cross-breeding two basmati rice varieties this corporation insists
that it
 has "invented" a "novel" variety of basmati and has patented it as
 867." The Rice Tec patent covers any basmati variety crossed with a
 semi-dwarf strain grown anywhere in the western hemisphere. Despite Rice
 Tec's claims of 'novelty', "basmati 867" has been derived from Indian and
 Pakistani basmati rice lines rossed with semi-dwarf varieties. The
 varieties used to "invent" Rice Tec's "basmati 867" are farmers'
 bred over centuries in South Asia.  What Rice Tec has done with its
 is to pirate what until now had been communally shared and claimed it as
 their own private property.

 The crux of the issue is not whether the basmati rice variety bred by
 Tec is "novel" and therefore patentable or not because the facts show
 it is not. The real issue is that no one should be able to hold a patent
 over a life  form. By taking out a patent on "basmati 867" Rice Tec is
 participating in what has been described as "biopiracy."

 Biopiracy is the theft of indigenous knowledge, the theft of the creative
 capacities of nature and the false claim by patent holders - mostly
 corporations - that they created the life form they have pirated.
 lays the  groundwork for the colonization of creation - of life itself
- by
 scientists and, ultimately, the corporations they work for.

 Life-patents further the power of corporations. Imagine a world where
 nothing is grown except crops that a corporation has claimed
'invention' of
 and can profit by. Imagine if nothing is grown without farmers having
to go
 to corporations to buy back seeds stolen from them in the first place.
Or a
 world where nothing can even grow without the permission of corporations
 (i.e. the "Terminator Technology" that prevents plants from reproducing
 themselves). This is the world that biopirates, and patents like the
one on
 "basmati 867" are already helping to bring about!

 We need to fight against this trend. BAG is part of a world-wide
movement of
 people who are protesting the corporate claims of "invention" that
 on life represent. We are not resigned to living in a world where the
 creative capacities of nature, of women and of communities of people are
 systematically denied and pirated. BAG calls for an end to patents on
 forms that is currently being sanctioned by the World Trade
Organization and
 enshrined in both national and international law.

 Victories have been won against corporations that have patented life
 The US National Institutes of Health "disclaimed" its notorious US
patent on
 the human cell line of a Hagahai Indigenous person from Papau New Guinea
 (patent # 5,397,696) after popular outrage was organized. The Indian
 government revoked the W.R. Grace Corporation's "species patent" on
 transgenic cotton. In other words, this boycott against Rice Tec can work!

 Who is the Basmati Action Group (BAG)?

 BAG is a grassroots organization that values life in all its
diversity. BAG
 is opposed to the patenting of any life forms, anywhere, by anyone. This
 means supporting actions that value and procect ecological integrity,
 indigenous  knowledge and lands, women's rights, the autonomy and
 self-determinacy of people and community-based action. Food forms the
 natural link between community and life. For this reason, recent
 developments in world trade and agricultural policy, life-patenting and
 genetic engineering strike us as attacks on the essence of those
things we
 value most.

 BAG has been formed to raise awareness about biopiracy, life patents and
 on-going acts of colonialism  - and to work to end these practices. Along
 with many others, we see biopiracy as the "third wave of colonialism"
and an
 entrenchment of sexist and racist practices. We recognize that women
in the
 South ('Third World Women') continue to bear the brunt of acts of
 colonialism. For over 500 years, the North (the 'First World') has been
 enriched by stealing  from nature and the people's of the South (the
 World'). This is maintained by present global economic and political
 relations. Most of the world's biodiversity is located in the South and
 biopiracy is an attempt by  corporations to privatize and 'own' what
is the
 common heritage of people in the South. BAG is also working to show that
 biopiracy is a form of class conflict with corporations trying to
 communal property, destroy farmers'  control and supplant nature's
 capacities in order to increase their own private profits.

 How can I support the boycott on Rice Tec?

 Please circulate this notice within your organization and to your
 membership. Talk about biopiracy and the Rice Tec boycott whenever
 Spread the word to your contacts across North America. Support local
 against biopiracy. Ask your local stores to stop carrying Rice Tec

 Boycotting Rice Tec and its products is one action in the movement to
 corporate control over life forms. Raising awareness of biopiracy and
 developing ways of producing and distributing food that are ecologically
 sound and socially just is something we can all contribute to in
 ways. BAG has also initiated a petition campaign trying to get the
 government to refuse Rice Tec's US patent on basmati rice and enacting
 strong legislation that prevents the patenting of life forms in
Canada. This
 struggle cannot be won without global solidarity - a victory in Canada is
 impossible without simultaneous victories against the World Trade
 Organization, NAFTA etc. BAG is  working in coalition with people's
 organizations in both the South and North to revoke Rice Tec's U.S.
 on basmati rice and to stop biopiracy.

 Please let us know if we can use your name as a supporter of our
campaign in
 our future work.

 Any suggestions towards strengthening our objectives and resistance is
 greatly appreciated.

 For more information, check out our Web Site!
 or call and ask for Nandita Sharma or Allison Campbell at (1-604)
 Mailing and e-mail addresses are listed  above.

 In Struggle,
 Nandita Sharma for the
 Basmati Action Group


 Letter to Stores Carrying Rice Tec Products:

 November 29, 1998


 The Basmati Action Group (BAG) has launched a North American boycott
 the products of Rice Tec Corporation of Alvin, Texas, USA. Rice Tec
 to have invented the basmati rice they sell under the trade name,
 (Rice Tec products also include "Jasmati" and "Kasmati" rice). The
 of the boycott is to heighten awareness of the issue of life-patents,
 organize public condemnation of this process and demonstrate that the
 patenting of life will be costly - not profitable - to those that pirate
 indigenous knowledge and nature's creative capacities. We ask that you
 support the Basmati Action Group in our boycott of all Rice Tec products.

 There are three things you can do to support the boycott on Rice Tec.

 1) Remove all Rice Tec products from your shelves immediately, and let us
 know that you have done so.

 2) Stop ordering Rice Tec products. Tell your Rice Tec distributor
that you
 are not willing to support biopiracy in this or any form.

 3) Tell your customers that you are boycotting Rice Tec and why.

 To facilitate your cooperation, we are holding an information evening on
 TUESDAY,  JANUARY 26, 1999 from 7 to 9 p.m. at Room #4 at the Mount
 Neighbourhood House (800 E. Broadway - near Fraser St. in Vancouver,
 This meeting will be designed to give store-operators and staff more
 targeted information so that you may better explain the boycott to your
 customers. Also at this meeting we will distribute copies of a letter for
 your customers, explaining biopiracy and the reasons for the Rice Tec

 Please notify us as soon as you decide to support the boycott.

 Included in this call for support (sent to those in Canada) is the
 BAG is circulating within Canada. Please photocopy and distribute it.
 Remember, it is important to return completed petitions to the return
 address printed on the bottom.

 Any suggestions towards strengthening our objectives and resistance is
 greatly appreciated.

 For more information check out our web site!
 or call Nandita Sharma or Allison Campbell at (1-604) 255-4910.
Mailing and
 e-mail addresses are listed above.

 In Struggle,
 Allison Campbell for the
 Basmati Action Group

 c/o 1957 Kitchener St.
 Vancouver, B.C. Canada V5L 2W6
 Tel. (1-604) 255-4910
 Web: http://www.eciad.bc.ca/~lolin/basmati/

 ABOUT  BIO-IPR; This is an irregular listserver put out by
 Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN). Its purpose is to
 information about recent developments in the field of intellectual
 rights related to biodiversity & associated knowledge. BIO-IPR is a
 non-commercial and educational service for nonprofit organisations and
 individuals active in the struggle against IPRs on life.
 HOW TO PARTICIPATE -- To get on the mailing list, send the word
 (no quotes) as the subject of an email message to
 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. To get off the list, send the word
 "unsubscribe" instead. To submit material to the list, address your
 to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. A note with further details about BIO-IPR is
 to all subscribers.
 ABOUT GRAIN -- For general information about GRAIN, you may visit our
 wwwsite http://www.grain.org or send an email to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.


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