I've done some tentative impure requirements analysis for a simulation
of the world economy.  I say impure because I can't get design ideas 
out of my head.  It is probably best to admit this up front and also 
to hint broadly at what these design ideas are.

Currently I envision this project as implemented by a relatively 
simple program and a much more elaborate database containing a lot of 
carefully selected data.  By 'database' I mean a collection of named 
files, probably bound together by a common base name and distinguished
by distinctive extensions.

The system that I envision is something like a spreadsheet that loops 
through a series of records making changes by applying certain rules 
which are also stored in these records, and indeed could be 
implemented as a spreadsheet, though I probably won't implement it as 
one.  If you are in doubt about what I have in mind, try thinking of 
this as a spreadsheet and you probably won't be too far wrong.

(Indeed, use of a spreadsheet for rapid-prototyping may be wise.
 People comfortable with spreadsheets may want to play around with
 this a bit, to see what is possible.)

Ordinarily a spreadsheet loops though all fields (columns) of all 
records (rows) and does whatever updates are necessary as they are 
encountered, but no more than once per loop.  That is not behaviour 
that a large scale economic model should use, because it would involve 
updating some records too often.  

What I have in mind could be thought of as a spreadsheet in which each 
record has a first field which is countdown timer, changed once per 
iteration, and all other data fields in the record have an implicit 
"and timer=0" condition, so they are only updated when the timer 
counts down to zero  --  the timer itself resetting by coping its 
initial value from another field the iteration after it reaches zero.

As I envision it, the program loops though a series of records in a 
database, reading and updating them according to "instructions" also 
contained in that database.  By 'instructions' I don't mean computer 
programs but just important data values and limits, or symbolic 
expressions, such as could be represented in any cell of a 

As I see it, a few of these instruction are hardly ever changed, and 
in fact cannot be changed without going through several steps of 
supplying appropriate passwords.  Included in this list of special 
instructions are flags or values stating which instructions fall into 
this class, and which may be more easily modified.  Some other 
instructions are (therefore) more easily modified but can only be 
changed by the operator, and a few more instructions can be modified 
by a running program.

Broadly speaking I think there will be two main classes of records:

1.   Population-geographic units, representing a region of the earth
     or a population-cohort (or, ultimately, a single individual).

2.   Information-estimation units, which represent a fact or supposed
     fact, piece of information or estimate.  What I have called
     "instructions", values or symbolic expressions central to the
     operation of this model fall into this class.

Below I have a list of preliminary requirements, and after some of 
them a design or implementation hint based on this quasi-spreadsheet 

1.   The proposed simulator shall be an open system, available to anyone
     who wants it at no cost, in both source code and in binary format, 
     with documentation, and written in a very popular programming language
     so it can easily be installed on almost any system.
2.   The simulator shall be data-driven without any hardwired or hardcoded
     algorithms other than those of a fundamental mechanism for reading and
     updating entries in a database according to rules or instructions
     also represented as entries in a database.  The term database in this
     requirement shall not be interpreted as implying any specific type of
     storage or retrieval system, but shall not include anything that 
     involves changes to the source code of the simulator.

     (Symbolic expressions in cells of the (quasi-)spreadsheet would be 
      considered data, and could be modified, but in general would
      be modified rarely and not normally by the operations of the 
3.   The simulator shall be capable of generating, saving, copying,
     renaming, deleting, and reloading and running any one of several
     simulation-datasets and shall have a convenient mechanism for 
     allowing the operator to choose from amongst a collection of 
     named simulation-datasets kept in mass storage.
4.   The simulator shall be capable of simulating the economic activity
     of arbitrarily large geographic regions up to the entire planet
     (solar system? !) and arbitrarily small regions down to the size
     of a human being, except as limited by disk space or other mass
     storage limitations.  For the purposes of this requirement economic
     activity shall be interpreted as including all exchanges of commodities,
     money, and other legal instruments of exchange including electronic
     transactions; also all human activities that directly and
     significantly effect such exchanges, including physical and mental
     labour; communication by request, pronouncements of opinion, or
     exchange of information; also human sexual activity and reproduction,
     and also all similar activities carried out by machines.
     (A record or spreadsheet row could represent a large geographic
      region, and in simple models the whole earth, or could represent
      a much smaller region like a village.  It could represent a
      large group of people, like all males, or all young males, or
      young males of an ethnic group, or ultimately a single person.)

5.   The simulator shall be capable of simulating lengths of time up
     to the approximate age of the human species, and down to a lower
     limit dependent on the processing speed of the host machine, but
     at least as small as one second.

     (How long a length of time is represented by the values in one
      row of the quasi-spreadsheet would be encoded in the initial
      values for the countdown timer, and would be updated from all
      other relevent records each time the counter reached zero.)

6.   The simulator shall have no built-in limitations on the granularity
     or level-of-detail of a simulation other than imposed by machine
     disk space or other mass storage limitations.
7.   The same granularity or level-of-detail shall not be imposed on
     all subsets of a simulation-dataset, some of which may be more
     or less detailed than others.

     (Region or person granularity would depend only on how many rows
      and how much space or number of persons each row respresents.
      Time granularity is represented by the initial values placed
      in the countdown timers and can be changed by changing the
      values in the (semi-constant) fields used to reinitialize the
8.   The simulator shall be capable of cooperative sharing of data and
     processing with other simulations runing on the same machine or on
     other machines linked to it through a network or internet.

     (It should be possible to include in some "cells" of the 
      "spreadsheet" a URL representing a file to obtained by FTP,
      or a procedure to be run by remote procedure call.)
9.   Cooperation with other simulations shall be coordinated or mediated by
     very popular protocols, including at least the  FTP protocol for 
     file sharing, and the details of this cooperative activity shall be
     specified in a publicly available protocol document that shall not
     restrict cooperation to simulations of the same type nor using
     the same simulator program.
10.  The simulator shall include capabilities for monitoring using video
     display or printout, or both, with numerical and graphical
     representation or both.

11.  The simulator shall include capabilities of halting a running
     simulation, manually entering changes, and resuming.

12.  The simulator shall include capabilities for rolling back a 
     simulation to an earlier state and restarting from that point.

13.  The simulator shall include a capability for causing a simulation
     to fork or divide into two simulations that differ only in
     certain fields or entries modified by the operator and can
     be saved separately under different names.

14.  The simulator shall include a capability for changing the
     granularity or level of detail of a simulation on the individual
     database record level.

     (Space or person-count granularity could be changed by splitting
      rows -- duplicating them then making necessary changes to
      reduce region size or person counts in each new row.)

15.  The simulator shall include a capability for changing the
     granularity or level of detail of a simulation globally to
     increase or decrease the granularity in space or time or
     both of each database record, up or down to the next unit,
     except where disk space or processing speed limitations
     make this impossible.

     (It should be possible to perform a single operation to make
      large changes in time-scale over a wide set of rows by
      simultaneously changing from daily update to weekly update,
      or annual update to monthly.  Similarly it should be possible
      to make large scale changes in regional or cohort data
      by splitting country records into province records or
      province records into township records -- etc.)

16.  The simulator shall include capabilities for printing out
     all data in a simulation or summaries of this data, or
     both, and shall also include capabilities for plotting
     data or summaries in graphical form.

17.  The simulator shall include capabilities for logging all
     activity and printing these logs on operator request.

18.  The simulator shall include capabilities for entering,
     saving, appending to, and printing bug and problem reports,
     but shall not allow such reports to be edited or deleted 
     by anyone except the root or supervisor responsible for 
     the system.

19.  The simulator shall include capabilities for downloading
     simulation, logging, and problem reports from another
     by requesting it via network on operator request or
     according to an operator-prepared schedule, and shall
     also include the corresponding capabilities to upload
     this information to another machine over the network
     if authorised to do so.

This is only a first draft, incomplete and very crude in places,
but it should suggest the general idea.  I'd like anyone interested
in this simulation project to look it over and make comments,
preferably to the mailing list as a whole -- so that it will stimulate
more discussion, or to me personally if you prefer.  I will try
to save all comments so that at some point they can be archived


Douglas P. Wilson     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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