[ Is this an opportunity for science to displace economics in the field
of secular religion? ]

Billy Grassie wrote:

Meta 205. 12/1/98. Approximately 178 lines.

Below is a Request-for-Proposals to compete for seven(!) $100,000 Grants
for Research, Writing, and Publication Exploring the Constructive
Interaction of Science and Religion.  This announcement was first posted
in Meta 164 on September 21, 1998.  At this time I am please to announce
that there will be an additional $100,000 grant awarded as part of this

Our benefactor, Sir John Templeton, has expressed a desire to increase
the number of grants and add a fourth category to the three already
listed in the original RFP.  The specific focus of this seventh award
will be on "Expanding Concepts of God."  The award will promote
scholarly research and writing on how our understanding of the Divine is
expanding and evolving in the modern world. In particular, the theme
will focus on how increasing understanding in science, technology and
commerce can be fruitful as a source of inspiration and insight relevant
for refining and expanding concepts of God.  You will note that there is
significant overlapped with the three categories already listed in the
original RFP.

Thanks to the generosity and vision of Sir John Templeton, there are
seven extraordinary opportunities for individuals or groups to do
significant research and writing for popular and scholarly audiences on
the constructive interaction of science and religion in the 21st
Century.  Please note that the deadline for letters-of-inquiry is
January 4, 1999.  The full application procedure is detailed below.

-- Billy Grassie

Subject: Seven $100,000 Grants on Science and Religion

[Please circulate on other listservers and
excuse duplicate cross-postings.  Thank you.]


to compete for


The John Templeton Foundation is pleased to announce a competition for
seven $100,000 awards to support sabbatical research and writing on the
constructive interface between science and religion in the 21st century.
Applications are encouraged from talented, research-focused, writers
representing any and all religious traditions, as well as non-religious
thinkers.  Successful applicants will have demonstrated skills in
research and writing, exemplifying engaged, well-informed discourse,
balanced inquiry, and a humble approach to learning. This awards
competition seeks to stimulate outstanding research, writing, and
publishing in the broad field of science and religion.

Four topical categories are listed below for the present cycle.
Proposals should be submitted in one or more of the following three

1) EVIDENCE OF PURPOSE: Investigations at the constructive interface of
science and religion which are focused broadly on the subject of
teleology, giving evidence of purpose and meaning in relation to
cosmological, evolutionary, and human cultural processes.

2) HUMAN CREATIVITY AND UNDERSTANDING: Considerations of the potential
and meaning of humanity's accelerating comprehension of reality and
expanding creative power with specific concern for moral and spiritual

3) CONCEPTS OF GOD: Theological and philosophical investigation of the
relationship between God and World, especially which integrate
scientific insights and perspectives.

4) EXPANDING CONCEPTS OF GOD: Consideration of how our understanding of
the Divine is expanding and evolving in the modern world, with
particular concern for how increasing understanding in science,
technology and commerce can be fruitful as a source of inspiration and
insight relevant for refining and expanding concepts of God.


          - Letters of Inquiry:          January 4, 1999.
          - Full Applications:          May 3, 1999.
          - Grants Announced:          September 3, 1999.




An important criteria of merit is effective dissemination of the work in
the form of chapters published in scholarly journals and distinguished

vision and mission of the John Templeton Foundation is to pursue
research at the boundary between theology and science through rigorous,
open-minded and empirically-focused methodologies, drawing together
talented representatives from a wide spectrum of fields of expertise.
This has been described as the "humble approach."  Typically it seeks to
focus the methods and resources of scientific inquiry on topical areas
which have religious and theological significance ranging across the
disciplines from cosmology to healthcare.  The Foundation sponsors a
wide variety of project initiatives pursuing the 'humble approach" in
basic research, in pedagogy, in promoting high-level dialog, and by
awarding prizes for excellence in research, writing, and teaching.
Envisioned by Sir John Templeton especially is the possibility of
multiplying many aspects of spiritual information, insight, and wisdom
through the appropriate application of scientific research methods, as
well as by encouraging enthusiasm for an open, questing, scientific
attitude within religious communities exemplified in the adage, "how
little we know, how eager to learn."

The specific purpose of this program is to stimulate writing of highly
innovative and high quality books, which exemplify the open
research-focused mode of multifaceted inquiry, which characterizes the
"humble approach." Further information describing the donor intent for
the John Templeton Foundation may be found in: (i) The Humble Approach
(1995, 2nd edition forthcoming) by John Marks Templeton; Worldwide Laws
of Life (1997) by John Marks Templeton; and on the Foundation's website
at <http://www.templeton.org>.


(i) This program is likely to be highly competitive. Interested persons
are encouraged not to apply if their preparation and record of
publication is not at a very high level of accomplishment.

(ii) Applications will be considered from single authors as well as from
teams of two or more authors working together.  Proposals should
identify which category the proposal is being submitted under and
whether the proposal is for a 'professional' or a 'popular' book.

(iii) The use of prize monies is unrestricted to the prizewinner.
Specific budgeting is not required.  However, applicants should describe
briefly how they would plan to utilize the prizes in terms of a
prospective timeline for their research and writing.  Prizes can be
awarded to sponsoring institutions, if desired.  In such cases, overhead
will not be paid beyond 10% of the sum of salary plus benefits.

(iv) The desired form of application is described below:

Letter of Inquiry: Interested parties should prepare a letter of not
more than three pages single-spaced describing the book they propose to
write.  A detailed CV summary of not more than three pages should be
attached.  This should include references to previous articles and books
written by the author(s) of the proposed book. Screening of initial
letters is provided to alleviate wasted effort by applicants unlikely to
succeed in the competition. Invitations for full applications will be
sent to a reduced number of applicants whose accomplishments and
proposed book idea inspires a sense of extraordinary promise to a
screening committee of distinguished expert reviewers.  The deadline for
letters of inquiry is January 4, 1999.  Ten copies of all materials must
be provided.

Full Proposals: Applicants who are invited to submit full proposals must
demonstrate a deep, innovative, well-informed and intellectually
profound engagement with the topic on which they propose to write.  Full
proposals should be not more than 10 pages in length, single-spaced.
These should include: (i) an executive summary; (ii) a detailed overview
of the aims and purpose of the book; (iii) an index/outline noting the
topics to be covered with brief notes; and (iv) a publication plan with
a description of the target audiences the book is intended to reach.
Last, proposals should include an appended full and detailed CVs plus
lists of publications for all authors.  Ten copies of all materials must
be submitted.  Additional attachments of relevant published work are
encouraged.  The deadline for full proposals is May 3, 1999.  Awards
will be announced by September 3, 1999.

Please note: While the proposal can be for a Non-English language book,
all application material must be in submitted in English, as we do not
have the capabilities to translate.


1. $75,000 upon the initial award of the prize
2. $15,000 upon acceptance for publication by the publisher
3. $10,000 upon documentation of book sales in excess of 2000 volumes.

For further information, go to <http://www.templeton.org/book-rfp> or
send email to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.  Please no phone calls.

Letters of Inquiry should be sent to:

Book RFP
John Templeton Foundation
100 Matsonford Rd., Suite 100,
Radnor, PA 19087

Footer information below last updated: 8/10/1998.

Meta is an edited and moderated listserver and news service dedicated to
promoting the constructive engagement of science and religion.
Subscriptions are free. For more information, including archives and
submission guidelines, go to <http://www.templeton.org/meta>.

Please feel free to forward all Meta postings in their entirety
including this notice. It is the intention of the editor that each
posting be protected by copyright as a compilation. Permission is
granted only for duplication and transmission of each message complete
and intact including this paragraph. Otherwise, duplication and/or
transmission of any portion should be guided by "fair use" principles,
and explicit permission should be obtained when needed. Except when
permitted by "fair use," permission to duplicate or transmit any portion
written by a contributor must be obtained from that author. - Copyright
1997, 1998, 1999. William Grassie <http://www.voicenet.com/~grassie>.


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