It is quite clear that Bill Clinton was speaking of American election year
politics when he uttered the words to which you refer. They have been
extended to domestic politics in non election periods and now you want
to extend them to international relations. "It's the economy, studio" had
nothing to do with the factors that effect Russian or world event.  While
it is no doubt the case that many regard economics the queen of the social
sciences and ascribe "voodoo" powers her incantations, you need to find
another straw man to knock about.
Henry Thomas

 On Sat, 27 Mar 1999, John Foyster wrote:

> Today's NEW YORK TIMES has Stephen Cohen and Martin Malia wrestling with
> the problem of Russia, its present and future. Cohen in particular
> almost stumbles on the recognition that factors other than economics
> might play a part in world events; but for how long do we have to wait
> before a modest handful of pundits begins to realise that the greatest
> damage done by Bill Clinton's presidency was its early endorsement of
> the "It's the economy, stupid" misunderstanding?
> John Foyster
> Adelaide, South Australia

Henry B. Thomas

"You want to see an example of a perfect process? You already have a
perfect process. Every process you have is perfect. They are perfect for
the results that you are getting."
W. Edward Deming

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