>Date:  Sat, 3 Apr 1999 15:41:42 -0500
>From: Anton Kuerti, who is a member of Science for Peace
>Dear Friends -
>I am sending this Email to some of my Toronto friends and acquaintances who
>I assume may from time to time shop at the St. Lawrence Market.
>I want to make sure that you  know about the Toronto Dollar, because that
>is a wonderful way to make your shopping serve an important
>charitable-social cause without costing you an extra  penny.
>Just inside the market, main floor, to the right, is the Toronto Dollar
>booth (open Thurs., Fri., Sat.); before you shop, exchange your Canadian
>money for Toronto Dollars.  Almost every merchant in the South market
>accepts them at par, and without grumbling.  10% of the dollars that you
>buy go to charitable causes to help alleviate poverty, create jobs and help
>Toronto's economy prosper.  The merchants can trade in their Toronto
>dollars for 90 cents on the dollar.  There are many places in the world
>where local currencies similar to this have helped the local situation.
>The person behind the Toronto Dollar is the celebrated (rightfully) author,
>Joy Kogawa, who has put up the seed money to get it started herself.  You
>will often find her at the Toronto Dollar booth in person!
>There will also be a big Toronto Dollar party on Thursday (April 8);
>unfortunately, I shall be in Australia and therefore attending would be a
>little inconvenient.  I paste further information about the party and the
>Toronto Dollar below.
>Best regards,  Anton
>For the first time ever, the merchants of the St. Lawrence Market, (Front
>and Jarvis) are hosting a soiree.  The event in celebration of community
>groups takes place Thursday, April 8, 1999, 6:30 to 10:00 p.m. at the south
>There will be free food and entertainment which includes Isshin Taiko
>drumming, the Darbazi choir, Hot Five Jazzmakers, Njacko from the
>Cameroons, Johannes Linstead, Latin guitar, Classic Folk trio, E.T. the
>mime and others.  A silent auction benefiting numerous community
>organizations will be held, as well as a draw for the next Toronto Dollar
>The Toronto Dollar is a tool for citizens to bring economic benefits back
>to the community without the cost of making donations.  It is also a tool
>for identifying and supporting community minded businesses.
>Attendance at the party is by invitation, widely available through
>participating Toronto Dollar businesses and organizations.  The invitation
>signed turns it into a free raffle ticket for prizes.
>For free invitations:
>Toronto's First Post Office, 260 Adelaide St. East, 865 1833
>St. Lawrence Market office,  392 7120
>The Toronto Dollar booth and participating merchants at the St. Lawrence
>Frida Craft Store, 39 Front Street East, 366 3169
>For further information, 416 361 0466 or 416 214 9547
>Community money for the community minded.
>The Toronto Dollar is legal currency created by Toronto Dollar Community
>Projects Inc., a non-profit organization.  When we use Toronto Dollars, we
>direct a portion - 10 percent - of the value of our spending to improve the
>social and economic health of the communities that make up Toronto.
>How does the Toronto Dollar work?
>… People exchange Canadian Dollars for Toronto Dollars at par.
>… They then use Toronto Dollars (as they would Canadian Dollars) in
>transactions with participating businesses and organization.
>… For each Canadian Dollar exchanged, 90 percent of the value is put into a
>reserve fund administered by Toronto's First Post Office.  This fund backs
>the Toronto Dollar and is available to participating businesses that need
>to redeem excess Toronto Dollars for 90 cents on the Canadian dollar.
>… The other 10 percent of the value of a Toronto Dollar transaction is put
>aside for community projects.
>The success of the Toronto Dollar project depends on broad acceptance --
>and use -- of Toronto Dollars by individuals, businesses and other
>organizations. Community-minded people want to spend Toronto Dollars
>because they spread economic benefits within their community. So local
>businesses clearly have an incentive to accept Toronto Dollars and
>participate in the project.
>Advertising for Toronto Dollar home-based businesses and goods and services
>is available in The St. Lawrence Community Bulletin 416 368 3071, and The
>Toronto Voice 416 927 0150.
>Where to get Toronto Dollars
>… Toronto's First Post Office, 260 Adelaide Street East, 416 865 1833.
>… The Flatiron Building, 49 Wellington Street East.  Ground floor.
>… Frida Craft Stores, 39 Front Street East.
>… The Toronto Dollar Information Booth, St Lawrence Market. (Saturdays)
>… Participating community service organizations and businesses.
>Contact with Toronto Dollar Inc.
>… Toronto Dollar web-site: http://www.torontodollar.net
>… Phone (416) 361-0466
>… Fax (416) 361-1123
>The Toronto Dollar Project is a Work in Progress
>"Only by restoring the broken connections can we be healed. Connection is
>Anton Kuerti
>416-962-6288 - fax:960-6166
>Visit Anton Kuerti's web-site at http://www.jwentworth.com/kuerti/index.htm

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