To: A few friends and many Devious Defenders of the Status Quo (DDotSQ) 
on several mail lists in the English speaking countries.

Hi Folks,

You may recall that John Maynard Keynes has monopolized the first three words 
of the above subject heading for 63 years, while American author Charles 
Murray has concisely described the present condition of the English speaking 
nations with the last two words of the above subject heading.  Clearly, there 
is a world wide conspiracy afoot to make sure, by enforcing the general 
theory, that the English speaking nations continue to lose ground.  The 
progress of the conspiracy to date is attested by the works of the following 
authors, in addition to the works of Keynes in 1936 and Murray in 1984:

REGULATING THE POOR, 1971, F. F. Piven & R. A. Cloward
FAMILY AND NATION, 1986, D. P. Moynihan
FAMILIES IN PERIL, 1986, M. W. Edelman

The global model at URL <> will 
support a serious discussion of both the macro and the micro aspects of The 
GENERAL THEORY for LOSING GROUND, while the attached file (Figure 8 of the 
global model) goes directly to the heart of the theory to illustrate how 
fixed costs in the budgets of parenting families will corrupt the operation 
of a free labor market. Of course, if you are making a nice living by writing 
and talking about LOSING GROUND, a serious discussion of the general theory 
may not be your cup of tea.

The following two year old note may help to break the silence on this topic 
by providing a consistent set of macro data for the U.S. economy, which data 
is typical in structure for any industrial economy.


>>>>>>>>>>>>> begin note of 97-04-06 <<<<<<<<<<<<
Subj:   The Root Cause Of 2-3% Inflation and 5-10% unemployment
 Date:  97-04-06 10:42:50 EDT
From:   WesBurt
Dear Defenders of the Commonwealth,

In a recent exchange of quotations on other lists, a contributor 
defined the tone and focus of our perennial public debate on 
money and poliical power with these two quotations:

     From Horace Greeley (1811-'72)
1,  "While boasting of our noble deeds, we are careful to conceal 
the ugly fact that by an iniquitous money system we have 
nationalized a system  of oppression, which, though more refined, 
is not less cruel than  the old system of chattel slavery." 

     From President Woodrow Wilson,  THE NEW FREEDOM, 1913.
2,  "Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided 
to me privately.  Some of the biggest men in the U. S., in the field 
of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid 
of something.  They know that there is a power somewhere so 
organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so 
pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when 
they speak in condemnation of it."  

Here is a third quote which supports the conventional, but mistaken, 
wisdom that we can cure what ails an industrial society by 
nationalizing the banking system and regulating the issue of money 
by political edict as Nazi Germany, the U.S.S.R., and other nations 
have done with little success.  This quote comes from FINANCIAL 
ENGINEERING, 1953, by Elmer Thomas, U.S. Senator from
Oklahoma 1927-'51.  Senator Thomas' limited edition book has many 
quotations which direct public attention toward the financial attributes 
of the wealthy and politically powerful, and away from the depressed 
financial condition of the great majority of the population which is the 
root cause of the social pathologies in every industrial society that 
does not satisfy the technical requirements for full employment and 
zero inflation.

     From the English financier, Meyer Arnschel Rothschild, 1745-1812.

3,  "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care 
not who makes its laws."

Senator Thomas rather suggested that Mr. Rothschild's remark was 
in response to the publication of the American Declaration of
Independence, the U.S. Constitution, The American Bill Of Rights, 
and Thomas Paine's proposals in AGRARIAN JUSTICE, 1797, 
to establish a stable and prosperous free market society by means 
of a subsidy to young families.

With quotations like these, the contributor has clearly defined 
that small faction of the world "governing subsociety" which protects 
its vested interest in the status quo by focusing the public's attention 
on the "iniquitous money system," the "power somewhere" that is to 
be feared, and the wealthy Jewish money changer who is 
contemptuous of Democratic institutions.  If William Shakespeare 
(1564-1616) had cast a member of this small faction in the role of
Shylock, in his play, THE MERCHANT OF VENICE, they would have 
hanged Shakespear, as they tried to hang Thomas Paine two 
centuries later.  Certainly, there is an evil minority among the wealthy
and politically powerful that threatens society.  Just as certainly, there 
is also an evil minority among the rank and file population that 
threatens society.  And it is the standard practice of this first evil 
minority to incite the rank and file to blame all of society's failures on 
the majority faction of the wealthy and politically powerful.

In contrast with the grand deceptions and theft committed by these evil
minorities, the majority faction of the world's "governing subsociety," 
that is, the wealthy, healthy, intelligent  and powerful members of 
society gave the world each step of progress that humanity has made 
toward a stable and prosperous society; from the holy scriptures of 
the several religions to the Magna Charta 1215, the English Common 
Law, the Elizabethan Poor Law 1601, the Speenhamland system 
1795, the American Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, 
and the Articles in addition to, and amendment of the Constitution 
The American Bill Of Rights).  Can any of us ordinary people identify 
any practical alternative to casting our lot with this progressive majority
faction of the "governing subsociety" that rules the world, past, present, 
and future.  The trick, of course, is to be able to tell the good guys from 
the liars and deceivers, and for that we need a valid conceptual model 
of how the world works when governed by the public opinion of a 
majority of ordinary people under universal Direct Democracy.

This perennial cultivated, but mistaken, public opinion which 
indiscriminately blames money and poliical power for the world's social 
pathologies has not changed since biblical Israel (twelve tribes) 
demanded a King in B.C. 1120 (I Samuel 8:1-5), but money and 
poliical power are not the root cause of the social pathologies that have 
cursed humanity since Samuel's time. The symptoms of the root cause 
are the high unemployment, inflation of the currency, over-run
public budgets, and excessive public debt that were easily managed in 
an agrarian society, such as the United States prior to the closing of the 

But these symptoms cannot be ignored after a people experience THE GREAT 
TRANSFORMATION, as Karl Polanyi called it in 1944, and 
leave their self-sufficient farms, firms, and villages to form commercial 
or industrial ities, Nation States, and Commonwealths based on free 
trade and a highly developed division of labor.   "Civilization should be 
a blessing to mankind, not a curse," as Thomas Paine said in 1797.

The politically correct explanation of the curse has always been that 
the rich and powerful who teach, manage, and govern the rest of us 
are the cause of our high unemployment, inflation of the currency, and 
over-run budgets.  To the contrary, the technically correct explanation 
is that the curse is caused by a defect of omission in our public policy 
which is both invisible to a the great majority of the successful, 
wealthy, and powerful, and kept a SECRET OF THE TEMPLE from the 
rest of us by that small faction intent on defending their vested interests 
in the status quo.  

That defect of omission is our failure to allocate the First Tithe (10% 
of the Gross National Product) to our developing human assets (5% for 
education and 5% for subsistence).  We were one of the first modern nations 
to allocate 5% of GNP to universal education.  But we may 
well be the last modern nation to allocate the second 5% of GNP 
needed to raise the purchasing power of parenting families to parity 
with the purchasing power of families or households without children.  

When the expense of supporting children is $5,000/year/head it does 
not take a computer scientist to figure out why the expense of 
supporting children is the easiest expense to fob off on the rank and 
file, in the interest of reducing the total tax rate by a few percentage 
points and maximizing the market for usury in the short run.  The great 
majority of parenting families can be depended on to do whatever it 
takes to support their own children.  But the long run costs of 
withholding this technically required subsidy far exceed the savings 
of a few percentage points on the tax rate.

Should we not ask why Karl Polanyi wrote 312 pages on THE GREAT 
TRANSFORMATION, but failed to mention the technical requirements 
for full employment in a free market, which requirements were well 
known and published by the very Protestant founders of the American 
 Economic Association (AEA), Henry Carter Adams and Richard T. Ely 
in 1887, and, by the very Catholic Church of Rome in 1891?

This topic needs a technically complete model of a real national 
economy if we are ever to discover, and disclose to the public, the root 
cause of the disorders of our industrial society.  My data is for the U.S. 
economy, but the financial and physical structure is typical of all 
industrial nations in which the standard of living is based on free trade 
and the division of labor.  Here is the data that I look at, tell me if you 
think it is not a valid model of an industrial society.

Following the work of Nobel prize winner Wassily Leontief in 
INPUT/OUTPUT ECONOMICS, 1966, the U.S. physical economy of 
1995 has two parts, (1) the GDP which we consume or save each year, 
and, (2) the purchased material transactions (PMT) which is work in 
process for future GDP, as follows:

July 1995 U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the sum of 
government and household spending . ...............$7,024.9 Billion/year.

July 1995 U.S. workforce 131.9 million.  Average Value Added 

July 1995 U.S. business to business purchased material 
transactions (PMT)..........................................$10,537.4 

July 1995 U.S. total physical economic transactions by non-
financial public and private sectors, (excluding financial 
speculation) ...................................................$17,562.3 

>From  FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN, uly 1995 U.S. Money 
and Debt measures,  ($Billions):
M1 is the Medium of Exchange and turns over 15.3 times 
per year to generate the $17,562.3 Billion/year of physical 
economic transactions above.
M2, excluding M1............................................ $2,569.4  Billion
M3, excluding M2................................................$773.1  
L,    excluding M3..............................................$1,056.6  
Debt, excluding L.............................................. $7,864.5  
Debt aggregate ...............................................$13,408.5  

If we consult our best historical macro indicator of national efficiency,
that is, the profile of the U.S. Consumer Price Index from 1789 to date, 
we find that the 19th century was a period of high wages, full 
employment, and stable or slowly falling prices with bursts of inflation 
only when the nation was at war.  By the turn of the century, the U.S. 
had been transformed from an agrarian society of small holdings to an 
industrial society of multinational corporations, and has experienced 
the curse of rising unemployment with 2-3%/year inflation ever since 
Pope Leo XIII proposed a "Family Wage" in RERUM NOVARUM, 1891. 

 We have to ask why Pope Leo XIII proposed "Family Wages" as an 
obligation of employers, thereby leaving the Church without guidance 
on this question until Pope John Paul II finally equated the "Family
Wage" to a family allowance from the public revenue on page 44 of 
LABOREM EXERCENS (On Human Work), 1981?  It is technically 
impossible for employers to pay the "Family Wage" and remain 
profitable in a competitive market.  When mandated by the legislature, 
the burden of the "Family Wage" on employers creates the levels of 
unemployment we see in Europe today, except for Switzerland.  

Here is the technically valid and ecologically necessary solution being 
proposed by the Church of Rome and demonstrated by Switzerland, 
the Scandinavian countries, Japan, and maybe Germany, but 
condemned in the American public mind by the faint praise of U.S.
Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan and retired Senator Bill Bradley, and 
the determined opposition of an evil minority of the wealthy and 
pollitically powerful members of the "governing subsociety."

There are long standing vested interests in the United States which are 
ever and always opposed to any attempt to inform the public about how 
the economic system operates.  This opposition is surely innocent 
where propriatary knowledge of corporate techniques and methods is 
concerned.  But when that opposition keeps the American public 
uninformed of the corporate techniques and methods; that John J. 
McCloy saw incorporated into the domestic policy of Germany after 
World War II, and Douglas MacArthur saw incorporated into the 
domestic policy of Japan after World War II; that opposition must be 
called into question by public disclosure and discussion in an open forum.

If two or three of us could achieve a consensus on the optimum 
financial structure of a corporation or commonwealth, and trace its 
roots to the first tithe in Genesis, we could re-educate the chattering class
and thereby enable public opinion to restore our industrial economy to its
full potential efficiency in the use of labor and non-renewable materials.

Think about it, our world laboratory of nations provides examples of every
variation from, and every degree of compliance with, this simple and obvious
technical requirement for a stable and prosperous society. The Chinese and
Russians are thinking about it.

Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil: for I have illuminated the valley before me.

With all due respect to the 23rd PSALM, I remain, 

Sincerely yours,

>>>>>>>>>>>>> End note of 97-04-06 <<<<<<<<<<<<

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