To: A few friends and many Devious Defenders of the Status Quo (DDotSQ) 
on several mail lists in the English speaking countries.

Hi Folks,

I forgot to extend the distribution of yesterday's post to Jeff Gates, see 


>>>>>>>>> Begin yesterday's post to Jeff Gates <<<<<<<
Subj:   The Ownership Solution
Date:   99-04-26 21:17:01 EDT
From:   WesBurt
To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED], CMackin445


Thanks for establishing your web site at URL 
<>.  I enjoyed my visit, found it most 
informative, and was encouraged to search out my 1958 copy of THE CAPITALIST 
MANIFESTO by Louis O. Kelso and Mortimer J. Adler and my 1968 copy of 
TWO-FACTOR THEORY by Louis O. Kelso and Patrecia Hetter, to reflect on the 
reasons why those earlier efforts did not prevent us from arriving at our 
present condition of gross inequality of income and wealth as described at 
your web site.  

My understanding of the reasons are outlined in the global model at URL 
<> and recent postings to list 

I am looking forward to the upcoming CSF seminar on your book, *: Shared 
Capitalism for the 21st Century," which William B. Ryan has mentioned on list 

Kind regards,

Wesley S. Burt
>>>>>>>>> End yesterday's post to Jeff Gates <<<<<<<

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