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Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 20:51:31 +0100
Subject: [ASeedRoots] Intercontinental Caravan press release

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DEVELOPMENT-INDIA: Indian Farmers Take The War To Europe 

By Ranjit Dev Raj 

NEW DELHI, May 24 (IPS) - Out of place in the departure terminal 
of the international airport, a group of rustic Indian farmers wait to 
board a cheap Aeroflot flight to begin a month long sojourn in 
Europe starting Monday.  

''We are going to visit the offices of Monsanto and other big seed 
companies and ask them why they are destroying us,'' explains 
Omkar Singh, a mustard farmer from the neighbouring state of 
Haryana and a member of the Bharatiya Kisan Union (BKU), a 
major northern Indian peasant's union.  

Omkar is illiterate but he readily understands the dangers of 
transnationals elbowing their way into Indian agriculture which for all
its supposed inefficiency feeds a billion people cheaply and is the
mainstay of the economy. 

Last year, Omkar was among thousands of mustard farmers who 
were ruined after the government banned the sale of mustard oil, 
northern India's staple cooking oil and ordered a million tonnes of 
the U.S-based Monsanto's genetically engineered soyabean.  

The government was forced to ban mustard oil because stocks 
were unaccountably adulterated to a point where hundreds of 
people fell seriously ill with dropsy and at least 50 of them died in 
the capital alone.  

So when Omkar heard about Inter-Continental Caravan-99 (ICC- 99) 
which is organising the month-long farmers' tour in the EU he 
readily clambered aboard. ''This is the first time I am going to be 
away for so long from my farm, family and village.''  

Omkar said he was looking forward to join 400 Indian farmers who 
are to participate in demonstrations in Cologne, Germany, when 
the next G-8 summit takes place in June.  

''ICC-99 will also demonstrate in front of the World Trade 
Organisation (WTO) headquarters in Geneva, the European 
Commission in Brussels and the Organisation of Economically 
Developed Countries (OECD) in Paris,'' said chief organiser Prof. 
Nanjundaswamy before departing for Europe.  

Last November, Nanjundaswamy spearheaded a movement in 
Karnataka to ''weed out'' Monsanto after the Indian government 
clandestinely allowed the transnational to conduct trials of 
genetically engineered cotton at 40 locations across India.  

Nanjundaswamy who leads the KRRS, the largest peasant 
movement in southern India, justified the 'weeding' after accusing 
Monsanto of being behind the spectacular failure of cotton crops in 
southern Indian leading to mass suicides by ruined farmers.  

Apart from large farmers organisations like the KRRS and the BKU, 
participants in ICC-99 include the powerful National Forum of 
Fishworkers which opposes shrimp aquaculture, and mechanised 
trawling which are robbing them of their livelihoods.  

Also represented are well-known people's movements such as the 
Narmada Bachao Andolan (Save the Narmada Movement) which 
represents farmers and tribals displaced by the massive Narmada 
valley project in western India and women's groups such as the All-
India Women Farmers Association (AIFWA).  

Said Swaraj Lamba, AIFWA president, ''the new century will 
witness spectacular progress in genetic engineering and bio- 
technology but it is also certain that millions will continue to suffer 
from hunger and shortages of drinking water.''  

Lamba said the fight was not just against transnationals but the 
new culture of the ''so-called knowledge-driven society'' which sees 
no immorality in making nuclear weapons and to which India is 
desperately seeking entry.  

''What this nation (India) needs desperately is investments in 
education, health and agriculture and not in weapons of mass 
destruction,'' she said. 

But Lamba blames the West and its transnationals for setting the 
pace of an inhuman agenda, the logic of which, according to her, 
led to India going nuclear.  

''We denounce the nuclear tests carried out by India and Pakistan 
but also oppose the hypocrisy of western governments which 
encourage the monopoly of which, if shared, could benefit all of 
humanity,'' she said.  

Nanjundaswamy said the aims of ICC-99 will certainly not be 
realised in the short term and therefore it will not waste too much 
time with politicians and transnationals but concentrate on ''people-
to-people contacts.''  

In fact, the farmers are going to be supported in Europe by like-
minded people's organisations and will live frugally, staying in 
churches, farms, sports stadia and auditoria. ''We are used to 
hardship,'' said Onkar, drawing his thin blanket around his body.  

Welcoming committees have been set up in several EU countries 
by peasant organisations such as the French Peasant 
Confederation, the Dutch Agricultural Association, EuroDusnie in 
Leiden, Leoncavallo in Milan, the Reithalle in Berne and women's 
organisations like Espace Femmes International.  

But ICC-99 is choosy about who it accepts help from. ''We will not 
play into the hands of institutions that are eager to claim to have 
democratic consultations with civil society to pursue their own 
agenda,'' Nanjundaswamy said.  

Nanjundaswamy termed as ''outrageous'' the social clause 
proposed to be incorporated into the WTO system which, he said 
would never protect fundamental labour rights but allow countries in 
the North to practice selective protectionism.  

''One reason we are going to Europe is because we wish to expose 
organisations in the North that claim to speak on behalf of the poor 
of the South just because we are not around to make our views 

''We do not want western money or, technology or development 
models and we refuse to be used as political tools to ask the elites 
for reforms that we never demanded,'' he said.  


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