An interesting contribution too your 
cathedral and bazaar topic from another list (skeptic)

In the world of open software, there is a comparison made between the
cathedral and the bazaar (this is Eric Raymond's original paper).  The
cathedral represents the big software houses, producing large complex
systems that are closed boxes---trust us it works.  The bazaar, by contrast,
is a shouting, bickering mass of individual workers who together subject
the code to review, correction and expansion based on their own needs.
Raymond argues that the bazaar is the better way to write bug-free code,
even though it seems more chaotic.

In reality, very little open software with a significant user base was developed
by the bazaar.  Instead, there is a central core that maintain some control
over the chaos.  They let the market of programmers bicker and complain,
and search and correct and write, but then take the results and exercising
some quality and artistic control incorporate it into official releases.  This
is Eric Allman's (author of sendmail) idea, and it applies not just to sendmail,
but to Apache websever, Linux, gcc and emacs, ghostscript, TeX, and so on.

So, in the age of amateurs the most successful projects will likewise have
technical and artistic visionaries who coordinate (or just take advantage)
of the enthusiastic volunteers.  Amatuer astronomy projects have that
quality, where national organizations collect and confirm data, and issue
pamphlets on how to observe.  Same for other amateur science projects.

When we open the floodgates and let everybody join, there will be chaos.
Not everybody will make worthwhile contributions, and there will be much
junk out there.  But, that's a side effect of the process.  As more successful
amateur projects are developed, as professionals see the power of thousands
of supporters helping, more and more applications of the model will appear.
At least, that's the horse I'm betting on.

Regarding the ``dumbing down'' of a technology.  Sorry Dave, but to me that
is *good*.  Damn good, it opens the technology up to more people who have
better things to do with their time then decode some programmer's brain-dead
notions of ``user friendly.''  Consumers of software products have been very
poorly served by our industry.  There will always be plenty of jobs for those
who do want to understand all the shifts and jumps of coding, and how to
make things easy.  Better, the easier the end product, the more demand for
those who can make it easy.  Welcome to the (17 months and counting)
21st century.  :-)


Michael D. Sofka                       [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CIS/SSS Sr. Systems Programmer  AFS/DFS, email, listproc, TeX, epistemology.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY.


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