Purpose: Marketing? I'd bet yes. But that doesn't negate the impact of
public education, albeit superficial, re the risks involved. I wonder
about pesticide, fungicide, synthetic fertilizer... content; maybe
that's the next target.


      WASHINGTON, July 30 -/E-Wire/-- Greenpeace welcomed baby-food
manufacturer Gerber's announcement today that it will stop using
engineered (GE) corn, soy or other ingredients in its baby-foods.
says it will be watching closely to see how Gerber will deliver on this
commitment to its consumers.
     /CONTACT:  Charles Margulis, 415-672-1157, cellular, until Aug. 2;
Craig Culp, 202-319-2461; both of Greenpeace/
     /Web site:  http://www.greenpeaceusa.org/
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