PLEASE NOTE:  A new list dealing only with Basic Income will be launched in
mid-September. Watch for the announcement on the Futurework list.  Also -
we are trying to get rid of the spam that's been hitting the list recently.
It's not easy to do, so please be patient -- and send ideas based on your
experience with spamming.

        FUTUREWORK: Redesigning Work, Income Distribution, Education

FUTUREWORK is an international e-mail forum for discussion of how to
deal with the new realities created by economic globalization and
technological change. Basic changes are occurring in the nature of work in
all industrialized countries. Information technology has hastened the
advent of the global economic village. Jobs that workers at all skill
levels in developed countries once held are now filled by smart machines
and/or in low-wage countries.  Contemporary rhetoric proclaims the need for
ever-escalating competition, leaner and meaner ways of doing
business, a totally *flexible* workforce, jobless growth.

What would a large permanent reduction in the number of secure,
adequately-waged jobs mean for communities, families and individuals? This
is not being adequately discussed, nor are the implications for income
distribution and education. Even less adequately addressed are questions of
how to take back control of these events, how to turn technological change
into the opportunity for a richer life rather thanthe recipe for a
bladerunner society.

Our objective in creating this list is to involve as many people as
possible in redesigning for the new realities. We hope that this list will
help to move these issues to a prominent place on public and
political agendas worldwide.

FUTUREWORK is well-known for discussion and debate that is both spirited
and civil, intelligent and provocative.  It also serves as a bulletin-board
to post notices about recommended books, articles, other documents, other
lists and websites, conferences, even job openings relevant to the future
of work and to the roles of education, community and other factors in that

The FUTUREWORK list is hosted by the Faculty of Environmental Studies at the
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

To subscribe to FUTUREWORK,  send a message to
saying      subscribe futurework YourE-MailAddress

NOTE: To get the digest (batch) form of the list, subscribe to

To post directly to the list (once you are subscribed), send your message to:


Please begin the subject line of your message with FW, so that subscribers
know the mail is from someone on the list. Subscribers almost always add a
topic/thread identifier on the subject line (for example, 'FW downward
mobility') to focus discussion--a very good idea.

Searchable archives for the Futurework list are available at

If you ever want to remove yourself from the Futurework list,
you can send mail to      [EMAIL PROTECTED]     with the following
command in the body of your email message:

   unsubscribe futurework YourE-mailAddress

If you ever need to get in contact with the owner of the list (if you
have trouble unsubscribing or have questions about the list itself) send
email to      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We look foward to your participation in the ongoing FUTUREWORK discussions.

                Sally Lerner                                    Arthur Cordell

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