...they've managed to drag me back into the "poor little persecuted
billionaires"  retard's debate.

I have read over the  piece that I commented on in the first place, several
times, very carefully. I understood it correctly the first time and every
time I reread it it gets more offensive. You'll notice that when some fool
says something really ridiculous and gets challenged on it, he or she
tries to get out of it by saying it was  intended to be 'ironic.' They
wouldn't know irony if it bit them.  What this piece is, is false

At least an idiot with access to the internet isn't as dangerous as an
idiot with access to a car, but  unmoderated e-mail lists are still pretty
scarey things. They are something like first year university philosophy

As I have said before, free speech is for those who are capable of thinking

Tim R.

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