----- Original Message -----
From: d.raphael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2000 7:33 AM
Subject: [spiritof1848] WHO & Inequalities in Health (fwd)

> Forwarded Message:
> From: Nancy Krieger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 09:47:14 -0500
> Subject: [spiritof1848] WHO & Inequalities in Health (fwd)
> To: Spirit of 1848 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: nancy krieger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> fyi ...
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 14:19:34 +0000
> From: "Dave Gordon, School for Policy Studies" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: WHO & Inequalities in Health
> The current issue of the Bulletin of the World Health
> Organization is devoted to Poverty and Inequalities in
> health and is available free of charge at;
> http://www.who.int/bulletin/tableofcontents/2000/vol.78no.1.html
> (details are below).
> In the editorial Richard Feachem, the Bulletin's
> editor-in-chief. Argues that "There is much evidence that
> public subsidies -- be they for health, education, water,
> power, food or whatever -- intended to promote equity and
> benefit the poor are largely captured by the non-poor,
> especially by the middle classes,".  Davidson Gwatkin
> from the World Bank, contends that health policy should
> aim directly at improving conditions among the poorest
> groups and at reducing the differences between those
> groups and others in society.  (If only the World Bank
> would practice what they preached!)
> Bulletin of the World Health Organization
> The International Journal of Public Health
>     Volume 78, Number 1, Bulletin 2000, 1-152.
>     Editorials
>     Poverty and inequity: a proper focus for the new
> century by Richard G.A. Feachem:
>     vol.78, no.1, 1. [Full text PDF]
> Special Theme - Inequalities in Health
>     Critical Reflection: Health inequalities and the
> health of the poor: What do we know?
>     What can we do? by D.R. Gwatkin: vol.78, no.1, 3-18.
> [Full text PDF]
>     Socioeconomic inequalities in child mortality:
> comparisons across nine developing
>     countries by Adam Wagstaff: vol.78, no.1, 19-29.
> [Full text PDF]
>     Inequality of child mortality among ethnic groups in
> sub-Saharan Africa by M.
>     Brockerhoff & P. Hewett: vol.78, no.1, 30-41. [Full
> text PDF]
>     Defining and measuring health inequality: an approach
> based on the distribution of
>     health expectancy by E.E. Gakidou, C.J.L. Murray, &
> J. Frenk: vol.78, no.1, 42-54. [Full text
>     PDF]
>     Inequalities in health care use and expenditures:
> empirical data from eight developing
>     countries and countries in transition by M. Makinen,
> H. Waters, M. Rauch, N.
>     Almagambetova, R. Bitran, L. Gilson, D. McIntyre, S.
> Pannarunothai, A.L. Prieto, G. Ubilla,
>     & S. Ram: vol.78, no.1, 55-65. [Full text PDF]
>     Public spending on health care in Africa: do the poor
> benefit? by F. Castro-Leal, J.
>     Dayton, L. Demery, & K. Mehra: vol.78, no.1, 66-74.
> [Full text PDF]
>     Round Table Discussion by Donald Acheson; George A.O.
> Alleyne; Juan Antonio Casas &
>     Carlos Castillo-Salgado; Michèle Barzach; Paula
> Braveman; G ran Dahlgren; Geeta Rao
>     Gupta; Yuanli Liu;  va Orosz: vol.78, no.1, 75-85.
> [Full text PDF]
> ----------------------
> Dave Gordon
> Townsend Centre for International Poverty Research
> University of Bristol
> 8 Priory Road
> Bristol BS8 1TZ, UK
> Tel: (44)-(117)-954 6761
> Fax: (44)-(117)-954 6756
> Visit our Web Sites for information and reports from all of our Quality of
> Projects!
>         http://www.utoronto.ca/qol         http://www.utoronto.ca/seniors
>   ******************************************************************
>    Where a great proportion of the people are suffered to languish
>         in helpless misery,
>    That country must be ill-policed and wretchedly governed:
>    A decent provision for the poor is the true test of civilization.
>    -- Dr. Samuel Johnson, 1770
>   ******************************************************************
> Dennis Raphael, Ph.D.
> Associate Professor and Associate Director,
> Masters of Health Science Program in Health Promotion
> Department of Public Health Sciences
> Graduate Department of Community Health
> University of Toronto
> McMurrich Building, Room 101
> Toronto, Ontario, CANADA M5S 1A8
> voice:    (416) 978-7567
> fax: (416) 978-2087
> e-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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