Melanie Milanich wrote:
> Futher to Michael and Ed's posts relating to the growth of
> individualism in the western world (and doctor's obsessions with their
> personal portfolios), today's Toronto Star has an article "Free agency
> comes to the shop floor" quoting Roger Martin, dean of the Rotman School
> of Management at the University of Toronto, who expects the workplace to
> evolve into a world of free agents, with workers demanding their own
> work terms just like athletes.
> That, he says, is because the concept of loyalty to an employer is
> fading, while loyalty to one's own career is on the upswing.  In time,
> human resources policies where all employees get the same wages,
> benefits and vacations will disappear, Martin argues. Instead, workers
> will demand one-on-one contracts that recognise individual
> needs...customised spaces at home.

This strikes me as a "mixed bag".  It could lead to "anything" from
the reduction of even the most highly skilled "professionals" to
work-at-home [distributed] sweat-shop *piece workers*, to the
end of the still universal barbaric social custom of renting 
human minds and bodies (aka: "wage labor").

I think this is a good time to refer yet again to the Polish
sociologist, Jan Szczepanski's magisterial (and quite short!) 

       Szczepanski, J. (1981). Individuality and society. 
       Impact of science on society, 31(4) 461-466.

It's well worth the small effort of asking your friendly
reference librarian to get a copy.  And, if anyone has
access to a Kurzweiler machine (text digitizer), I'd be
glad to edit the raw text and post it for all to read.

"Yours in discourse..."

\brad mccormick  

   Let your light so shine before men, 
               that they may see your good works.... (Matt 5:16)

   Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. (1 Thes 5:21)

Brad McCormick, Ed.D. / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
914.238.0788 / 27 Poillon Rd, Chappaqua NY 10514-3403 USA
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