Hi James,

In your email you write that you are a high school student and you are
researching the Great Depression and wonder if I, as a member of
Technocracy, can give you some help. For a high school paper I think you
will find enough information from the encyclopedia and other such
sources. If you were writing a paper for a doctorate, then your research
would have to be more thorough.

Members of Technocracy Inc., a scientific, educational-research
organization, have trouble with the accepted cause of the Great
Depression. In your email, you express the thought that its cause was
“government policies and publicized views.” Technocracy’s research
establishes the point that the Great Depression was caused by other
factors as the below explains.

Henry Ford exemplifies the move from the slow, hand-tool, guild-craft
method of production to sophisticated, technological, automated method
of production. This had never occurred before in history. With this new
method, a plethora of goods was produced, far beyond what could be
consumed. Warehouses were bulging with inventory and industry was
beginning to stagnate.  That caused the Great Depression, the stock
market crash merely helped it along..

Roosevelt tried to compensate for the lack of enough purchasing power to
move the plethora of goods  by “debt creation,” whereby putting a
“false” purchasing power in people’s hands. It didn’t work. It took W W
II to solve the Great Depression. The thought that our youth had to die
in war in order to wipe out the Great Depression is saddening.

I would be interested in your paper, especially if you include some of
the thoughts of this email. Furthermore, I am the editor of my own
newsletter and it is possible that I might publish your paper in it.


John A. Taube

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