To: Stuart Duffin, Director
Citizen's Income Study Centre (CISC)
London School of Economics and Political Science,
and friends on several mail lists.

Dear Mr. Duffin:

The public debate on a citizen's income and related topics which CISC opened 
last month on URL <> 
seems to 
have run out of debaters without reaching a consensus on the question: "is 
there an argument for a piecemeal introduction of a Basic Income?"  The 
debate running on Canadian mail list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> is in 
worse shape than the CISC debate, thanks to the efforts of numerous devious 
defenders of the status quo (DDotSQ) in both debates.

To get the debate restarted in the right direction, I propose that we rename 
our two hundred year old English/American (E/A) public policy.  Let us call 
Paine's arguments for a piecemeal introduction of a Basic Income in his 
AGRARIAN JUSTICE and RIGHT'S OF MAN Part 2.  This E/A policy of 4-10% 
unemployment and 2-3% inflation, commonly regarded as an Act Of God, must 
have been enacted by a parliament of vicious mother-in-laws, singles, gays, 
lesbians, celibates, and an evil minority of the Whips; all of whom believe 
the public is doing something "dirty," enjoying it too much, and should be 
punished for raising too many poor children.  

Whips, as you know, are the wealthy, healthy, intelligent, and powerful 
members of society; an evil minority of whom mistakenly believe that the 
public is not of the same species as themselves, and that the public should 
live on its knees, with its noses to the grindstone, Its feet to the fire, 
and its eyes on the mud.  The great majority of the Whips seem to be human 
beings like the rest of us.  Unfortunately for the rest of us, however, the 
two hundred year old English/American public policy of 4-10% unemployment, 
2-3% per year inflation, and "increasing returns to scale" for all parenting 
families does not affect the Whips, so they never think about changing it.

 We need only get their attention, have them visit the ten figured Global 
Model at URL <>, and they will 
carry the argument for a piecemeal introduction of a Basic Income.

~~~~ snip ~~~~~~
4 Yea, though I walk through the 
valley of the shadow of death, I 
will fear no evil: for I have 
illuminated the valley before me.
~~~~ snip ~~~~~~

With a child like confidence in PSALM 23, I remain,

Yours sincerely,


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