F E A T U R E 
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from The Jobs Letter No.118
a subscriber-based letter 
published in New Zealand 18 February 2000   
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Z E R O   W A S T E   o f   P E O P L E

In the long-anticipated new book Natural Capitalism, by 
Paul Hawken, and Amory and Hunter Lovins, the authors 
present a manifesto that asks us to transform our 
fundamental notions about how business is done in this 
new century.  

The book charges traditional capitalism with always 
neglecting to assign value to the natural resources and 
ecosystem services that make all economic activity, and 
all life, possible. Natural capitalism, in contrast, asks us to 
take a proper accounting of these costs. As a first step 
toward a solution to environmental loss, it advocates 
resource productivity -- doing more with less.  

The book also shows how industry can redesign itself on 
biological models that result in zero waste, and 
recommends more investment in sustaining and 
expanding our environmental capital. It contains numerous 
examples of innovative and profitable businesses which 
are putting these principles into practice -- while also 
gaining a decisive competitive advantage.  

Also woven throughout the book is the consistent 
message: Moving the economy toward resource 
productivity can increase overall levels and quality of 
employment, while drastically reducing the impact we 
have on the environment. Natural Capitalism argues that 
there is no justification for the waste of people, through 
unemployment, when there is also so much urgent and 
good work to do.  
-- Vivian Hutchinson  

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"We cannot by any means --monetarily, governmentally, or 
charitably --create a sense of value and dignity in people's 
lives when we are simultaneously creating a society that 
clearly has no need for them ..." 
-- Natural Capitalism  

"Just as overproduction can exhaust topsoil, so can 
overproductivity exhaust a workforce. We are working 
smarter, but carrying a laptop from airport to meeting to a 
red-eye flight home in an exhausting push for greater 
performance may now be a problem, not the solution ..." 
--Natural Capitalism  

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*       With nearly ten thousand new people arriving on earth 
every hour, a new and unfamiliar pattern of scarcity is now 
emerging. At the beginning of the industrial revolution, 
labour was overworked and relatively scarce (the 
population was about one-tenth of current totals), while 
global stocks of natural capital were abundant and 

But today the situation has been reversed: After two 
centuries of rises in labour productivity, the liquidation of 
natural resources at their extraction cost rather than their 
replacement value, and the exploitation of living systems 
as if they were free, infinite, and in perpetual renewal, it is 
people who have become an abundant resource, while 
nature is becoming disturbingly scarce.  

*       Because of the profligate nature of current industrial 
processes, the world faces three crises that threaten to 
cripple civilization in the twenty-first century: the 
deterioration of the natural environment; the ongoing 
dissolution of civil societies into lawlessness, despair, and 
apathy; and the lack of public will needed to address 
human suffering and social welfare. All three problems 
share waste as a common cause.  

Learning to deal responsibly with that waste is a common 
solution, one that is seldom acknowledged yet 
increasingly clear. There is nothing original in this record 
of national waste; what is novel is that each of the three 
types of waste is presented as interlocking symptoms of 
one problem: using too many resources to make too few 
people more productive. This increasingly expensive 
industrial formula is a relic of a past that no longer serves 
a present or a future.  

*       In society, waste takes the form of people's lives. 
According to the International Labour Organization in 
Geneva, nearly a billion people (about 30 percent of the 
world's labour force) either cannot work or have such 
marginal and menial jobs that they cannot support 
themselves or their families. In China, it is predicted that 
the number of un- and underemployed will top 200 million 
by the year 2000, a situation that is already leading to 
protests, addicted youth, heroin use, drug wars, violence, 
and rising criminality.  

Globally, rates of unemployment and disemployment have 
been rising faster than those for employment for more 
than 25 years. For example, unemployment in Europe in 
1960 stood at 2 percent; in 1998 it was nearly 11 percent. 
In many parts of the world, it has reached between 20 and 
40 percent.  

*       In the United States, in 1996, a year when the stock 
market hit new highs, the Fordham University "index of 
social health" did not. The index, which tracks problems 
like child abuse, teen suicide, drug abuse, high-school 
dropout rates, child poverty, the gap between rich and 
poor, infant mortality, unemployment, crime, and elder 
abuse and poverty, had fallen 44 percent below its 1973 

The United States is proud of its relatively low 4.2 percent 
unemployment rate (1999), and should be. Yet official 
U.S. figures mask a more complex picture. According to 
author Donella Meadows, of the 127 million people 
working in the United States in 1996, 38 million worked 
part-time, and another 35 million, though working, weren't 
paid enough to support a family. The official unemployed 
rolls of 7.3 million do not count an additional 7 million 
people who are discouraged, forcibly retired, or working 
as temps. Of those counted as employed, 19 million 
people worked in retail and earned less than $10,000 per 
year, usually without any type of health or retirement 

Unemployment percentages also mask the truth about the 
lives of inner-city residents. In When Work Disappears, 
W. Julius Wilson cites fifteen predominantly black 
neighborhoods in Chicago, with an overall population of 
425,000. Only 37 percent of the adults in these areas are 
employed. While there are many reasons for the high 
rates of unemployment, the dominant cause is the 
disappearance of jobs: Between 1967 and 1987 Chicago 
lost 360,000 manufacturing jobs, and New York over 

When reporting corporate restructuring, the media 
focuses on jobs lost. When covering the inner city, the 
emphasis is more on welfare, crime, and drugs; the 
attrition of meaningful work is rarely mentioned. The irony 
of urban America is that fifty years after World War II, 
parts of Detroit, Philadelphia, and Newark look as if they 
were bombed, while Dresden, London, and Berlin are 
livable and bustling.  

*       People are often spoken of as being a resource -- 
every large business has a "human resources" 
department --but apparently they are not a valuable one. 
The United States has quietly become the world's largest 
penal colony. (China ranks second --most Americans have 
probably bought or used something made in a Chinese 
prison.) Nearly 5 million men in the United States are 
awaiting trial, in prison, on probation, or on parole. In 1997 
alone, the number of inmates in county and city jails 
increased by 9 percent. One out of every twenty-five men 
in America is involved with the penal or legal system in 
some way. Nearly one of every three black men in his 
twenties is in the correctional system.  

Is there a connection between the fact that 51 percent of 
the prison population is black and that 44 percent of 
young black men grow up in poverty? While crime 
statistics have been dropping dramatically since 1992 due 
to a combination of economic growth, changing 
demographics, and more effective policing, we are still so 
inured to criminality that rural counties seek new prison 
construction under the rubric of "economic development." 
Indeed, despite the drop in crime, during the period 1990-
94, the prison industry grew at an annual rate of 34 
percent, while crime and crime-related expenses rose to 
constitute an estimated 7 percent of the United States 

Is this level of crime really caused by Colombian drug 
lords, TV violence, and lack of family values? Is there not 
something more fundamentally amiss in a society that 
stores so many people in concrete bunkers at astounding 
costs to society? (There is no cost difference between 
incarceration and an Ivy League education; the main 
difference is curriculum.)  

While we can reasonably place individual blame on each 
drug-user, felon, and mugger, or anyone who violates civil 
and criminal law, we should also ask whether a larger 
pattern of loss and waste may be affecting our nation. Our 
right to assign individual responsibility should not make us 
blind to a wider, more comprehensive social cause and 

*       In a world where a billion workers cannot find a decent 
job or any employment at all, it bears stating the obvious: 
We cannot by any means --monetarily, governmentally, or 
charitably -- create a sense of value and dignity in 
people's lives when we are simultaneously creating a 
society that clearly has no need for them. If people do not 
feel valuable, they will act out society's dismissal of them 
in ways that are manifest and sometimes shocking.  

Robert Strickland, a pioneer in working with inner-city 
children, once said, "You can't teach algebra to someone 
who doesn't want to be here." By this he meant that his 
kids didn't want to be "here" at all, alive, anywhere on 
earth. They try to speak, and when we don't hear them, 
they raise the level of risk in their behavior --turning to 
unprotected sex, drugs, or violence --until we notice. By 
then a crime has usually been committed, and we respond 
by building more jails, and calling it economic growth.  

*       Social wounds cannot be salved nor the environment 
"saved" as long as people cling to the outdated 
assumption of classical industrialism that the summum 
bonum of commercial enterprise is to use more natural 
capital and fewer people.  

When society lacked material well-being and the 
population was relatively small, such a strategy made 
sense. Today, with material conditions and population 
numbers substantially changed, it is counterproductive. 
With respect to meeting the needs of the future, 
contemporary business economics is the equivalent of 
pre- Copernican in its outlook. The true bottom line is this: 
A society that wastes its resources wastes its people and 
vice versa. And both kinds of waste are expensive.  

*       But it is not only the poor who are being "wasted." In 
1994, several hundred senior executives from Fortune 
500 companies were asked for a show of hands based on 
the following questions: Do you want to work harder five 
years from now than you are today? Do you know anyone 
who wants to work harder than they are now? Do you know 
anyone who is or are you yourself spending too much time 
with your children? No one raised a hand.  

Just as overproduction can exhaust topsoil, so can 
overproductivity exhaust a workforce. The assumption that 
greater productivity would lead to greater leisure and well-
being, while true for many decades, may no longer be 
valid. In the United States, those who are employed (and 
presumably becoming more productive) find they are 
working one hundred to two hundred hours more per year 
than people did twenty years ago.  

*       From an economist's point of view, labour productivity 
is a Holy Grail, and it is unthinkable that continued pursuit 
of taking it to ever greater levels might in fact be making 
the entire economic system less productive. We are 
working smarter, but carrying a laptop from airport to 
meeting to a red-eye flight home in an exhausting push for 
greater performance may now be a problem, not the 

Between 1979 and 1995, there was no increase in real 
income for 80 percent of working Americans, yet people 
are working harder today than at any time since World War 
II. While income rose 10 percent in the fifteen-year period 
beginning in 1979, 97 percent of that gain was captured 
by families in the top 20 percent of income earners. The 
majority of families, in fact, saw their income decline 
during that time. They're working more but getting less, in 
part because a larger portion of our income is paying to 
remedy such costs of misdirected growth as crime, 
illiteracy, commuting, and the breakdown of the family.  

At the same time, we continue to overuse energy and 
resources -- profligacy that will eventually take its toll in the 
form of even lower standards of living, higher costs, 
shrinking income, and social anxiety. While increasing 
human productivity is critical to maintaining income and 
economic well-being, productivity that corrodes society is 
tantamount to burning furniture to heat the house.  

*       Resource productivity presents business and 
governments with an alternative scenario: making radical 
reductions in resource use but at the same time raising 
rates of employment. Or, phrased differently: Moving the 
economy toward resource productivity can increase 
overall levels and quality of employment, while drastically 
reducing the impact we have on the environment.  

Today companies are firing people, perfectly capable 
people, to add one more percentage point of profit to the 
bottom line. Some of the restructuring is necessary and 
overdue. But greater gains can come from firing the 
wasted kilowatt-hours, barrels of oil, and pulp from old-
growth forests, and hiring more people to do so. In a 
world that is crying out for environmental restoration, more 
jobs, universal health care, more educational 
opportunities, and better and affordable housing, there is 
no justification for this waste of people.  

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N a t u r a l   C a p i t a l i s m 
-- Creating the Next Industrial Revolution 
by Paul Hawken, Amory B. Lovins and L. Hunter Lovins
(pub 1999 by Little Brown & Company)
ISBN 0-316-35316-7 

available from Amazon.com

There is also a Natural Capitalism website at 
http://www.natcap.org where you can download chapters 
of this book (in pdf format).  

A radio interview with Paul Hawken about Natural 
Capitalism is available (Real Player format) on the internet 
at http://www.greenwaveradio.com/ram/Hawken1.ram, and 

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The Recovered Materials Foundation, in partnership with 
the Canterbury Employers Chamber of commerce, is to 
bring Paul Hawken to NZ later this year.  

Hawken will be a keynote speaker at a conference, 
entitled "Redesigning Resources -- Growing the Economy 
While Healing the Environment", which will be held in 
Christchurch 25-27 June 2000.  

Also speaking at the conference will be Ray Anderson, 
chairman and CEO of Interface Inc, and co-chairman of 
Bill Clinton's Council on Sustainable Development. 
Interface is a prime example of Natural Capitalism in 
practice: the company has shifted from selling traditional 
carpet ... to leasing "floor-covering services", using a new 
material that uses 97% less material, is more attractive, is 
cheaper to produce, and is completely recyclable.  

The conference is an invite-only gathering, capped at 250 
delegates. For more information contact Redesigning 
Resources, P.O.Box 6320, Upper Riccarton, Christchurch 

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C R E D I T S   

This special issue has been produced 
in partnership with
The Zero Waste NZ Trust

Editor -- Vivian Hutchinson   
Associates - Rodger Smith, Dave Owens and Jo Howard 
Secretary - Shirley Vickery  

ISSN No. 1172-6695   

T H E   J O B S   L E T T E R   
an essential information and media watch  on jobs, 
employment,  unemployment, the future of work,  and 
related economic and education issues.  

Kia taea ai te tangata te whiwhi mahi  ahakoa ki whea, 
ahakoa ko wai. 
Our objective is that every New Zealander will have the  
opportunity to be in paid work. 

The Jobs Research Trust -- a not-for-profit Charitable 
Trust  constituted in 1994 to develop and  distribute 
information that  will help our communities create more 
jobs and reduce unemployment  and poverty in New 


vivian Hutchinson
phone 06-753-4434 fax 06-759-4648
P.O.Box 428
New Plymouth, Taranaki, New Zealand

visit The Jobs Research Website 
Premier Award Winner of the 1999 Media Peace Awards 

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