Harry Pollard wrote:
> You suggest that:
>   "The still-increasing excesses of
> the medical-industrial complex in the West illustrate quite "well" that
> public health  and  profit-making   is rather *inversely* related."
> In the US, medical and hospital services aren't bad at all. My experience
> has been very good over the 38 years I've lived in California.

You're confusing public *health* with medical services.  A high volume of
medical services doesn't indicate good public health, rather the opposite.
Ill persons need much more services than healthy persons, and treating
symptoms is much more expensive than avoiding/preventing causes of illness.
True health care maximizes public health, not profits.  In the U.S., the
medical sector has by far the highest percentage of GDP among all OECD
countries:  14%, compared to e.g. 8.7% in Sweden, which doesn't have
unhealthier people at all...


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