For several years I have engaged listmembers (incl. Gurstein,
Courtneige, Pollard...)about the pop. link to labor issues, the growth
paradigm, finite sources & sinks, and the Cornucopian and
Techno-Optimist Fallacies of neo-classical economics.

For the record, I am not a socialist, but define the Commons very
broadly (& globally), and desire a goal of zero net pollution and zero
net depletion of resources & biodiversity. Within those bounds, I am an
entrepreneurial capitalist. :-)

Here is a N.S. based org that has integrated some of these ideas quite
well (given my first brief review). Perhaps their efforts will serve to
flesh out some of my cryptic remarks!

Steve Kurtz
The  Green  Web

                                  An Introduction 

            The Green Web is a small independent research group and 
        network with a left biocentric perspective. (This is a socially- 
        conscious tendency within the deep ecology movement.) 
        The Green Web aims to serve the needs of activists in the 
        environmental and green movements. 

            The nucleus of the Green Web is based in Nova Scotia,
        Our network of information distribution and exchange exists on a 
        local, provincial, national, and international level. 

            We believe the world-wide industrial capitalist system is 
        destroying the Earth. This system, with its human-centered view 
        of nature as a "resource" and its roots in endless economic 
        growth and consumerism, has us all on a death path. Needed are 
        new ecological, social, political, spiritual and cultural
visions, and 
        a reduction in human population. A new environmental ethic and 
        associated environmental economics are required. Societies have
        be ecologically sustainable for the survival of all species on

                           Green   Web   Literature

        We have so far produced or reproduced sixty eight Bulletins, 
    plus a number of articles, book reviews, etc.  Any material may be 
    freely reproduced with acknowledgement and if no profit is made. 
    Green Web Bulletins have covered a number of main themes: 

     green theory and philosophy - including left biocentric
theory,                    deep ecology, green
     movement and party discussions,                       relationship
between the Green and the Red, deep
     ecology/animal            rights relationships, etc; 
     the critique of 'sustainable development'; 
     forestry and the pulp and paper industry; 
     forestry biocides and their use; 
     wildlife, wild nature and protected areas - terrestrial and marine; 
     marine issues; 
     environmental-aboriginal relationships; 
     natural gas, gas pipelines, and the Sable gas project. 

        We do not solicit or accept government or corporate funding, 
    but financial assistance from those who support our work is 
    much appreciated and needed. If possible send a donation when 
    ordering through the mail, to cover the costs of photocopying 
    and postage. To make contact, to receive the Green Web 
    Literature List or to share information, please write or e-mail us. 

        To obtain any of the Green Web publications,  write to us at: 

       Green Web, R.R. #3, Saltsprings, Nova Scotia, Canada, BOK 1PO 
                                    E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

    Go to: 
         The Green Web 
         Green Web Publications: Bulletins (Part I) 
         Green Web Publications: Bulletins (Part II) 
         Green Web Publications: Book Reviews and other Articles 
         Left Biocentrism & Deep Ecology Platform 
         A Taste of Green Web Writings and Left Biocentrism 

    Last updated:  March 04, 2000

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