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>Sender: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Citizens Council on Corporate Issues
>Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2000 21:50:24 -0800
>From: Gil Yaron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>This is from an interview with Noam Chomsky in The Sun magazine titled "The
>>Common Good", November 1997. It was too juicy to not share around!
>>Paul Cienfuegos
>>"...I started from the beginning, with Aristotle's POLITICS, which is the
>>foundation for most subsequent political theory. Aristotle took it for
>>granted that a democracy would be fully participatory - with the notable
>>exception of women and slaves - and would aim to promote the common good.
>>But he argued that, in order to achieve its goal, the democracy would have
>>to endure "lasting prosperity to the poor" and "moderate and sufficient
>>property" for everyone. If there were extremes of poor and rich, or if you
>>didn't have lasting prosperity for everyone, Aristotle thought, then you
>>couldn't talk seriously about having democracy.
>>Another point Aristotle made was that if you have a perfect democracy, yet
>>have big differences of wealth - a small number of very rich people and a
>>large number of very poor - then the poor will use their democratic muscle
>>to take away the property of the rich. He regarded this as unjust and
>>offered two possible solutions. One was to reduce poverty. The other was to
>>reduce democracy.
>>A couple of thousand years later, when our Founding Fathers were writing
>>the Constitution, James Madison noticed the same problem, but whereas
>>Aristotle's preferred solution had been to reduce poverty, Madison's was to
>>reduce democracy. He said quite explicitly in the Constitutional Convention
>>that, if we had a true democracy, then the poor majority would use its
>>power to demand what nowadays we would call agrarian reform, and that
>>couldn't be tolerated. The primary goal of government, in Madison's words,
>>is "to protect the minority of the opulent against the majority." He also
>>pointed out that, as time went on, this problem was going to get worse,
>>because a growing part of the population would suffer serious inequities
>>and "secretly sigh for a more equal distribution of [life's] blessings." He
>>therefore designed a system that would ensure  democracy didn't function.
>>As he put it, power would be in the hands of the "more capable of men,"
>>those who held "the wealth of the nation," and the rest would be
>>factionalized and marginalized in various ways. ..."
>Gil Yaron
>Citizens' Council on Corporate Issues

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