>Graham Lowe on Quality of Work
>In the 1990s Canadians revealed a pervasive anxiety about such issues as
>joblessness, under- and over-employment, conflicts between work and family,
>workplace inequalities, retiring with dignity, and jobs for youth. At the same
>time, Canadians indicated they want more from their working lives – not only
>economic security and a decent standard of living, but opportunities for
>personal development and the fulfillment that comes with making a contribution
>to society.
>In The Quality of Work: A People-Centred Agenda, CPRN’s Director of the Work
>Network, Graham Lowe, argues that debates about the future of work have
>too narrowly on the quantity of jobs available. As important as job
>creation is,
>he says, we also need to think seriously about the quality of the work we
>In fact, Lowe, a sociology professor at the University of Alberta, argues that
>an agenda centred on work quality is essential if we want to ensure Canada’s
>continued viability, both economically and socially. Taking a fact-based
>look at
>employment trends and workplace changes, and what we can do about them, Lowe
>suggests that high-quality work offers a common ground for employers with
>an eye
>on productivity and individuals seeking greater challenge and meaning in their
>The Quality of Work: A People-Centred Agenda is available at finer bookstores
>for $21.95 or can be order directly from the publisher, Oxford University
>Oxford University Press
>70 Wynford Drive
>Don Mills, ON
>M3C 1J9
>phone: 416-441-2941 or toll-free 1-800-387-8020
>fax :416-444-0427 or toll-free 1-800-665-1771
>website: www.oupcan.com

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