Keith, in commenting on my response to Harry Pollard, wrote:

"This is a crude way of interpreting history."

I was not interpreting history. I was criticizing the idea of the use of
philosophy as a methodology of solving very immediate and practical

It is true that certain philosophic ideas have had an enormous effect
over the centuries, but, in terms of our present situation - or the
situation that has accelerated since the Industrial Revolution - they are
of no use in solving any aspect of our current predicament. 

I must also point out that philosophical solutions do not achieve
practical effects because of the resonableness of their arguments -
arguments which, more often than not, are derived from a priori
assumptions and are couched in a variety of abstract and metaphysical
terms. If they achieve practical effects, it is because they have the
means to put them in force.

Further on, Keith, you make a distinction between giving something a
"name" (as I did) and giving it a "label". While this may be technically
correct, it is not terribly imortant. I can't imagine anyone
misinterpreting my use of the word in the contest of what I wrote.

Further on  you say, "Basic Income should more exactly be called
"Indiscriminate Income For All." .This is not so. As the litertaure
shows, there are many variatons on the idea of a basic income. Whether or
not it should be the same for all, how the income is determined, etc. are
all quetsons to be discussed.

Finally, you say   that Basic Income will never get off the ground
"because tax payers will not stomach it." One comment on that: Persons in
need will certainly welcome it, as will those whose income is marginal. 
And if a Basic Income became a reality, I am sure that those who opposed
its passage on principle will not turn down their share because  it goes
against their principles.


Robert Rosenstein


Robert Rosenstein

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