>From a freind in response to my gloomy posting of yesterday on our miserable 
>future prospects:

One bizarre fact to consider:  Canada and the US are at full employment.   
Apparently, anyone that wants a job can get a job.  The fact that manufacturing 
jobs are disappearing does not seem to be impacting opportunities for 

I remember when machines were first introduced in the manufacturing process - 
displacing unskilled workers, and causing the same sort of hand-wringing as 
outsourcing to third world countries does today.  Charlie Chaplin's Modern 
Times and George Orwell's 1984 heralded the coming of the end.   What happened 
instead was a huge increase in wealth (and new jobs).

Even more bizarre, our citizens are so busy working at full employment that 
they don't even have the time to manufacture their own replacements.  
Projections into the near future say there aren't going to be enough people to 
meet existing requirements for service type jobs - never mind the manufacturing 
jobs that are steadily being lost.  The result:  India, China, and Mexico are 
going to become the defacto manufacturer of new Canadian citizens -  because we 
all just too busy working to do it ourselves.

By continuing to buy manufactured products from third world countries, we are 
pulling up the standard of living of third world countries much more 
efficiently than other alternatives - such as just handing out money.  

If we didn't buy products from third world countries, and instead hid behind 
tariffs, etc., then developing countries wouldn't have money to buy resources, 
wouldn't attract investment, and wouldn't be buying high-end products and 
technology from developed countries.  

If manufacturing wasn't being done in China, Mexico, India, etc., then we would 
be faced with wage inflation, price inflation, and economic stagnation.  As it 
is, wage inflation and product prices are very stable - and everyone still has 
a job - very close to the utopian state that Karl Marx envisioned when he 
invented the concept of socialism.

United States does seem to have lost it's way, directing massive amounts of 
money towards military activities, when the same amount of money spent solving 
it's energy problem would have quickly resulted in a 10 fold return on it's 
investment.  Oh well, Rome too had it's problems... and we know what happened 
to them.   History does have a habit of repeating itself.   One day the 
Americans will figure this out.   

If there is one thing you can count on, it's that capitalism is ruthlessly 
efficient - and it always finds a way.

Somehow I think it's all going to work out.


If you want to see what Ken does, go to http://www.imgmaker.com/ .

 -----Original Message-----
From: Ed Weick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2007 09:14
Subject: Your gloom for today

  Of all of the many things that happened in the rich world during the 20th 
Century, a couple stand out. One is the shift away from a goods producing 
economy and toward a services producing economy. The other is the development 
of technology permitting instantaneous communication and shipment of services 
from one part of the globe to another. Given the connective technology, it 
really doesn't matter where services are produced. They can be produced 
anywhere and instantly delivered to another part of the world. But what is 
needed to produce them is an appropriately educated and motivated labour force. 
As another major 20th Century trend, such a labour force has come into being. 
Approximately 1.5 billion technically and service orientated workers are now 
available in China, India and other parts of the developing world. And these 
workers are willing to provide their services and skills at a much lower wage 
than workers in the rich world.

  It is not only services that have become internationalized. Goods production 
can take place anywhere that has an appropriately skilled and organized labour 
force. In the case of a large variety of cheap consumers goods, the developing 
world now produces and the rich world buys. But it is not only cheap consumers 
goods that are at issue. As the developing world becomes more skilled and 
educated, it will produce many of the more specialized and sophisticated 
products used by the rich world. Exports listed for China include machinery and 
equipment, plastics, optical and medical equipment. China is moving up rapidly 
in automobile and electronic goods production.

  What might this mean for workers in Canada and the US? In Canada, it would 
seem to mean a gradual shift out of many lines of manufacturing and services 
and a greater dependence on the more traditional resource sectors, especially 
oil and natural gas. This possibility is not as open to the US, and what may 
happen there is the kind of continuing industrial disintegration typified by 
the rust belt of the Midwest and the eastern seaboard. Plants producing goods 
that can be made more cheaply abroad and offices providing communications based 
services will close and workers will be laid off, losing not only their wages 
but in many cases also their access to health care and pensions.

  I could go on and move the prognostication into the longer term when 
underemployed, debt-ridden America is no longer able to buy from China and 
India and when Canada begins to find its natural resources less abundant, but I 
won't do that. I've spread enough gloom for today.

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