If you read the more recent comments this appears to be a hoax. The story
does not appear through any other media sources (traditional or alternative)

is an interesting deconstruction of the story...
On Nov 8, 2007 2:29 PM, Darryl or Natalia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> A mother in California has been placed in solitary with a gag order
> slapped on her for defying the establishment and taking her now cured son
> for alternative holistic health care. Her son Chad was alleviated of
> melanoma after a five week alternative treatment program. Despite the fact
> that the wound has healed and new tests, including both a biopsy and blood
> work were performed by allopaths which resulted in negative findings, both
> Child Protective Social Services Dept. and a biased judge really have it out
> for these two. They insist that Chad undergo surgery and chemical treatments
> because the dissed G.P. (*not an oncologist*), whose lab first diagnosed
> the youth, insists that the cancer is merely hidden elsewhere, somewhere
> deep in his organs. There's a great deal more to the story, which brings to
> light the intense influence of Pharma upon the judicial system, government
> and the cancer treatment business. Meanwhile, a whole other potentially more
> vibrant industry, along with people's right for choice and healthier
> alternatives to invasive surgeries and deadly chemical cocktails, is either
> being suppressed or indirectly enforced upon patients by one of the
> deadliest industries out there.
> Chad is actually 17, and points out that he is old enough to fight for his
> country's freedom, but is still denied the right to make his own decisions
> relating to his own body. His mother would like to see an equivalent to
> Virginia's Abraham's Law brought to California, which would allow children
> who are capable of making informed decisions determine the course of their
> own healthcare. To be sure, Pharma will put up a big fuss before it's ever
> brought to a vote, but California, trend setting state for alternative
> medicine and organic foods, is likely to have a great deal of support for
> such a law or an expanded version of it.
> My guesstimate (not simply based on this one story, of course) is that
> alternative health treatments industries have the potential to outdo related
> Pharma industries, and that another vast job sector is just waiting to
> explode.
> Natalia Kuzmyn
> http://angryscientist.wordpress.com/2007/10/03/mother-jailed-put-on-trial-for-curing-her-son-of-melanoma/
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