I'd suggest we're all a little predatory and psychopathic, though some more 
than others.  The process of "reigning them in" has been tried many times. 
The French Revolution, for example, based in part of Thomas Paine's "Rights 
of Man" led to a lot of headchopping and the Napoleonic Wars.  The Russian 
Revolution, based on Marxist concepts of non-exploitation and equality, led 
to the repressive brutality of Stalinist USSR.  Reigning in the Jews in Nazi 
Germany led to the Holocaust.  What Mao tried to do in China has led to an 
aggressive and repressive state capitalism (which still audaciously calls 
itself "communism"!).  In the US, everyone can vote if they want to so we 
supposedly have democracy, but we also have the military-industrial complex 
and other interests lurking the in shadows and calling the shots.

A few decades ago, I spent a couple of years in the Calgary oil patch, and 
was appalled by some of the outrageously alpha-male behaviour I witnessed. 
A friend of mine told me not to worry about it.  That's how guys behave in 
the oil patch.  Just a bunch of sharks floating around!


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Christoph Reuss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 7:49 AM
Subject: Re: [Futurework] Early Free Trade

> Ed Weick wrote:
>> I don't know if we have ever learned from history.  Institutions and 
>> social
>> arrangements change, but the need to dominate them and make them work to 
>> our
>> advantage seems to be a constant in human affairs.
> Again, it all depends on who is "we".
> Psychopaths (predators) have no ability and no interest to learn.
> It's up to the others (their collective victims) to learn and finally
> rein them in!
> Chris
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