
This is a very common mis-perception:
  Japan has too many people on too little
land with no natural resources. America has fewer people and almost
unlimited natural resources.
It is claimed by scientists that US is the most overpopulated country due to highest per capita consumption of goods & services. It trails Canada only slightly in per cap energy consumption. US imports most of its oil. Quebec provides something like 25% of N.E. US electricity, I think. Water tickles from the North are likely to become a deluge as the Ogalalla aquifer depletes (25 yrs till dry)


A quick google search: page 1 only

Searched the web for US most overpopulated .   Results 1 - 10 of about 14,100. Search took 0.29 seconds.

...MostOverpopulated Nation ** ---
Comments: Paul and Anne Ehrlich team-up to help us...
13k - Cached - Similar pages

... A Response by Doug MacCleery "The Most Overpopulated Nation" (Eco-Watch, 11/16 ... implications
of formula on the US situation. Ehrlich is suggesting ...
12k - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from www.fs.fed.us ]

The MostOverpopulated Nation
... its cities to eliminate most commuting can be even ... these caveats, let us give some
personal ... for our huge, overpopulated, superconsuming, technologically sloppy ...
www.npg.org/forum_series/ehrlich.htm - 32k - Cached - Similar pages

Forum Papers-Population
... 25. The MostOverpopulated Nation, by Paul R. and Anne H. Elrich. 26. The Kingdom
of the Deaf, by Lindsey Grant. 30. The Los Angeles Riots and US Population ...
www.npg.org/forums/forum_pop.htm - 21k - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from www.npg.org ]

Why We Need to Stabilize US Population
... the US has done more damage to the world's environment than China and India combined!
Paul Ehrlich has called the United States “the mostoverpopulated country ...
www.diversityalliance.org/docs/whystabilize.html - 8k - Cached - Similar pages

Sierra Club - Maryland Chapter
... environment than adding 332 million people to India. The US is the mostoverpopulated
country in the world. Yet, we unabashedly celebrate our rising consumption ...
maryland.sierraclub.org/uspopulation.html - 12k - Cached - Similar pages

III. Population growth in the US
... It is the opinion of the Sierra Club, incidentally, that the US is the mostoverpopulated
nation on Earth. This claim is based on a comparison of consumption ...
www.orst.edu/instruction/bi301/usgrow.htm - 4k - Cached - Similar pages

Is the USOverpopulated
... Compared to most other countries, people in the US... food, minerals and metals. Since
the US uses so many of the ... some people say this country is overpopulated. ...
www.mcps.k12.md.us/departments/isa/math_inv/population/articles/ is_the_us_overpopulated.htm - 8k - Cached - Similar pages

Carrying Capacity Network Publications
... The Population Connection--Vol. 2, No. 6. The MostOverpopulated Nation--Vol. 2,
No. 8. Is Immigration Good for US Labor?--Vol. 2, No. 9. 500 Million Americans by ...
www.carryingcapacity.org/pubs.html - 17k - Cached - Similar pages

... Thus, the US is the mostoverpopulated country in the world. Yet, we unabashedly
celebrate our rising consumption, and we either ignore our popu lation growth ...
www.lwvbaltimore.org/LTL.html - 8k - Cached - Similar pages

Anyone who believes exponential growth can go on forever in a
finite world is either a madman or an economist.—Kenneth Boulding

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