The BUSHARON Global War

By Lev Grinberg                           July 8, 2002
  (Dr. Lev Grinberg is a political analyst and a
   senior lecturer at Ben-Gurion University, Israel.)

President George Bush's June 24th speech outlining U.S. policy
toward Israel and Palestine intensified the plight of the peace
supporters in Israel, and in the entire Middle East. Since 1977,
residents had been accustomed to American presidents playing the
role of "fair mediators"--pressuring Israel to restrain violence
and to negotiate with its neighbors. Jimmy Carter mediated between
Begin and Sadat; Ronald Reagan brought Israel and the PLO to a
first cease-fire pact in 1981, and stopped Sharon before occupying
Beirut in 1982. George Bush Senior coerced Shamir into the Madrid
Peace Conference after the Gulf War, and Bill Clinton was best man
to Rabin and Arafat. Then, and all of a sudden, comes a president
who not only doesn't mediate but also unilaterally supports
Sharon. This is not only confusing to the Israeli "peace camp,"
but places the Palestinian leadership in an awkward position, not
to mention the rest of the Arab states. In March the Arab League
accepted a brave peace plan, initiated by Saudi Arabia, and
President Bush dismissed it out of hand.

George Bush did not present a peace plan, but instead, in the
subtext, we can understand who his allies are in his war plans.
During the past half a year Bush stands at Sharon's side and spurs
him onwards on his aggressive policies. The obvious question is:
Why did Bush quit playing the "fair mediator" between Israel and
its neighbors? The explanation I suggest here is very simple: Bush
is planning to launch an attack on Iraq, and in recent months he
has come to the conclusion that, for the purpose of this war
Sharon is a more reliable and worthwhile ally than the moderate
Arab states. Bush doesn't care too much about peace between Israel
and Palestine, nor is he all that bothered by the millions of
Palestinians living under curfew in intolerable and inhuman
conditions, and neither is he really concerned about the Israeli
casualties caused by the despaired suicide bombers. "Let them
bleed" was the Bush administration's motto early on in its reign,
until it became politically incorrect on 9/11. And yet, as long as
the Bush administration continues in its plans to attack Iraq, we,
Palestinians and Israelis, will continue to bleed.

What makes so clear that Bush is mainly concerned with his war
plans? It is a matter of timing. In his speech Bush suggests the
establishment of a Palestinian state within three years, focusing
in the meantime on replacing Arafat and installing a new,
democratic, uncorrupted, transparent, and efficient Palestinian
administration during the coming year and a half. This means the
Palestinian state will be established only AFTER the war against
Iraq, if at all. Bush wants a strong and deterring Israel during
the attack on Iraq, first of all because Saddam Hussein might bomb
Tel-Aviv, as he did in 1991, and then Sharon will surely join the
war. Second, because "America's enemies" throughout the Arab world
might awaken during such a war. Israel's job would then be to
deter, and eventually fight, Washington's enemies within its "area
of influence:" the Occupied Territories, Lebanon, Syria, and

How did this full understanding between Bush and Sharon
crystallize? It has developed smoothly since 9/11. Immediately
after the attack on the Twin Towers Sharon tried to get on the
"War-On-Terrorism" bandwagon, declaring that "Arafat is our Bin
Laden." This position was firmly rejected by the U.S.
administration, mainly because they were planning an attack on
Afghanistan, and did not want to endanger the expected cooperation
with the pro-American Arab states. However, during the war in
Afghanistan, the Bush administration was disappointed with the
positions of Saudi Arabia and Egypt. After the end of the war and
the demolition of the Taliban's regime, Sharon was invited to
Washington "to coordinate the next moves in the war against
terror"--this time against Iraq. In his meeting with President
Bush on December 3rd Sharon received a "green light" to attack
Arafat. On December 4th, Arafat's helicopters were bombed, and he
was placed on a "city arrest" in Ramallah for five months. Even
when Arafat declared a cease-fire on December 16th, the U.S.
ignored it, and when Israel breached the cease-fire by
assassinating Raad Carmi on January 14th (to avoid the upcoming
political negotiations), Bush continued to support Sharon. Since
December 3rd the President of the U.S. has defined Israel's
actions against the Palestinians as "self defense," while Arafat
is always found guilty. Sharon has systematically undermined
Arafat's authority in the eyes of the Palestinians, disbanded the
forces that were loyal to his command, destroyed their
infrastructure, and even sabotaged the Palestinian Authority's
computers. When the UN Security Council decided to send an inquiry
committee to investigate war crimes committed in Jenin in April
2002, the U.S. administration collaborated with the Israeli
government in preventing the committee's entry into Israel. In the
present conditions, under military occupation and without
international protection, it is hard to imagine how the
Palestinians can establish democratic and efficient institutions.

The Bush administration adopted and augmented Sharon's big lie
that Arafat is the problem (not the 35-year Israeli occupation),
and that a Palestinian State would be established later on (when,
where, and how remain constantly deferred questions). Bush decided
to back Sharon's strategy due to his own political interests. His
political axiom is that the U.S. must attack Iraq, and the
question was whether he wanted a weakened Sharon in confrontation
with the U.S., or a strong Sharon on U.S.'s side. Bush's speech
indicated that the administration has decided in favor of full
coordination with Sharon. Bush has understood that a thorough
solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict requires two
elements: time and confrontation with the Israeli government.
Since Bush is neither willing to postpone the offensive on Iraq
for three years, nor is he interested in confronting Israel before
the war, Sharon has become an ally. Sharon knows that "all is
open" in war. He is deeply satisfied with Bush's "Middle East
Plan" that practically means a global war managed by the BUSHARON
team, in which Bush will play the role of the global sheriff,
imposing a new order in the Islamic States. Sharon has been
nominated as the "regional sheriff," and he will be allowed to
impose a new order in his "area of influence."

Indeed, it is hard to believe that these are the plans of the
leader of the globe, but Bush's behavior doesn't leave too much
room for doubts. He is leading--with Sharon--to a global war that,
according to our experience with Sharon in Israel, is expected to
be disastrous. We also know that in times of war the civil
society, democracy, and freedom of opinion are marginalized, so it
is about time to start criticizing the expected war, before it
starts. Neglecting harsh realities has never been helpful.


"suitable" to this:
Thursday July 25, 2002


Ariel Sharon said yesterday that he would not have authorised
Sheikh Salah Shehada's assassination in Gaza City had he known
that 14 other people would die in the bombing raid. "What happened
is really regrettable," the Israeli foreign minister, Shimon
Peres, told the BBC yesterday. "It wasn't done intentionally."

The Guardian disagrees. "Credible" sources suggest that Hamas was
on the verge of making a "landmark statement ending the suicide
bombings" in return for Israeli withdrawal and an end to
assassinations. "Deliberate sabotage of the peace process may soon
be added to the Sharon charge sheet," the paper says.

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