Keith, Keith, why do you (or the US) complain about the Saudi & Iraqi regimes?
You get the regimes you installed.  It's no magic !

> Today, he
> comes very close to what I have been writing recently about what I consider
> to have been America's real plans since 11 September -- or within a few
> days when the state department realised that the Al Qaeda was behind it
Realised?  Where's the proof?  You mean the faked Hollywood video, pardon,
confession video, where every kid can see that it's not Osama who's talking?
( )

> "the affected world community may feel
> compelled to 'liberate' the wells of Arabia and restore production, writes
> S.Fred Singer of the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.

S.Fred Singer -- isn't this the famous "climate change expert" (aka
CO2 revisionist) ?  How interesting that he's also an oil expert.
Nomen est omen: the stuff from the _Hoover_ Institute just sucks. ;-)


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