It is interesting that there were two important meetings concerning the
Middle East this week.

1. On Monday, the Foreign Minister of Qatar (wher the Americans are
building a massive air base) met with Saddam Hussein's Foreign Minister,
Naji Sabri. Before going into the meeting, Hamad Al Thani said that Qatar
opposed the American policy toward Iraq. There was no press release after
the meeting.  Saddam Hussein has given no speech so we can't yet sense as
to what might have been said. 

2. Yesterday, the Saudi Arabian ambassador, Prince Bandar bin Sultan (the
son of the Defence Minister) met with Bush and Rumsfeld at Bush's ranch in
Texas. (The location for this sort of meeting has been described by
officials as "unusual" -- as well it might, in my opinion, because I happen
to think that Bush read the Riot Act. Not surprisingly, there was no press
conference afterwards.)

Both of these may or may not turn out to have been significant meetings
that will go down in the history books. I suspect the latter and I guess
that we'll hear further quite soon -- of significant events rather than

Keith Hudson



Keith Hudson, General Editor, Handlo Music,
6 Upper Camden Place, Bath BA1 5HX, England
Tel: +44 1225 312622;  Fax: +44 1225 447727; mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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