One of my MBA students is chief of operations at a partially 'lights out'
factory in New Jersey.  Evidently it works very well with some of the
hesitations and advantages indicated in the article below.  What I gathered
from him was that his company (making light fixtures) either had to move up
the technology curve or they would be very quickly out of business from
lower cost competitors coming from all directions, including Canada BTW.

What they did was to move their staff up the skill curve, getting them more
involved in design and quality management including retraining and hiring
more skilled staff and then betting the company on shifting production to a
'lights out' operation.  The strategy worked for a while, but most recently
they were finding that their low cost/low wage competitors were also
becoming technology/skill intensive to retain their competitive advantage;
and he was having to shift strategy again, this time towards very design
intensive special orders, almost craft production.

Mike Gurstein

Vernon, Conn. -- IT'S THE STUFF of fairy tales: Every morning workers at a
plastics plant here owned by ABA-PGT arrive to find boxes filled with gears
that were made overnight as they slept.
Of course, elves have nothing to do with it. Fourteen giant
injection-molding machines worked in the dark, forming gears used in such
things as lawn sprinklers and computer printers, and dropping them into
boxes waiting on conveyor belts. Workers at the closely held company come
in, collect the finished parts and prepare them for delivery.
Something similar happens at closely held Evans Findings Co. in East
Providence, R.I., where metal-stamping machines that make parts, such as the
tiny cutting devices mounted on dental-floss containers, run without people
for one shift each day. There, the company's goal is do as much as possible
with no labor.
Faced with the need to raise productivity to survive, especially against
low-cost competitors, in such nations as China, more companies are pushing
toward so-called lights-out manufacturing. Once a science-fiction dream, the
phenomenon is emerging in plants and factories throughout the U.S. as
machines become more reliable in making flawless parts on their own. New
computer technologies also have broadened possibilities by linking plant
equipment to the Internet where supervisors can check operations at any time
and from any place; even do repairs from a distance.
Air Products & Chemicals Inc., an industrial-gas maker in Allentown, Pa.,
calls its lights-out system, "unattended operation with remote access." The
company no longer needs full-time operators at its many small plants that
produce gases fed directly into larger, neighboring factories, such as steel
mills. Instead, the company's machines send a signal to alert operators
miles away when a motor overheats or a valve sticks. Safety systems
automatically shut the plant down if a problem poses imminent danger.
An operator working from home and assigned to monitor several plants
scattered in his region first will try to fix the problem from a computer at
home by sending signals through a telephone line to restart processes, just
as the operator would from inside the plant's control room. If that fails,
the operator then drives to the site to fix the problem.
"We can leverage one individual over a large geography this way," says David
Fritz, general manager of North American product supply. Air Products' gas
plants never had large payrolls -- at most, a few people on each shift. But
in this industry, Mr. Fritz says, savings from operating with fewer people
are crucial to be competitive.
Many early efforts in the 1970s and 1980s to develop completely automated
factories were a bust. Samuel Pierson, ABA-PGT's president, first tried
building a lights-out operation in 1974 by partitioning off part of his
factory with two machines running unattended. But he soon decided the
technology wasn't ready. Machines couldn't continue for hours making parts
precise enough to sell.
Then in 1993, while attending a plastic-equipment show in Chicago, he saw a
new generation of injection molding machines capable of producing
consistently good parts. However, rather than create a lights-out section in
his existing operation, he built a separate factory entirely dedicated to
it. Mr. Pierson says he didn't want people fiddling with the machines.
"People develop a lot of ways to keep things going, rather than fixing the
underlying problem that broke down the process to begin with," he says. It
is better to come in the next morning, find a broken down machine and figure
out the root cause.
Increasingly companies are adopting lights out with a gradual approach. For
instance, a portion of a plant may run unattended, with the rest of the
facility staffed. Or a factory may staff one shift, then run the next shift
with just machines. At Evans Findings, only machines have worked the second
shift from 3 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. since the beginning of this year.
"The future of manufacturing for me is doing it whenever possible with no
labor at all," says Pete Evans, the fourth generation in his family to head
its 73-year-old business. By expanding lights-out manufacturing, he expects
to double output in the coming two years without adding to his 49 workers.
His ultimate goal is to make between 30% and 50% of his products using
lights-out manufacturing -- compared with about 5% of his products today.
Mr. Evans says lights out has become more difficult in recent years, because
customers are more demanding, which means machines must be even finer tuned.
Previously, customers may have accepted parts with slight flaws or that
don't exactly meet specifications. Today they don't. So to expand his
lights-out operations, he is investing $1 million to upgrade equipment and
improve training.
Manbir Sodhi , a professor of industrial and manufacturing engineering at
the University of Rhode Island, Kingston, who has studied lights-out
operations, says economics and improving technology are certain to drive its
growth. Yet it still has kinks to work out. Mr. Sodhi recalls recently
visiting one small machine shop where lights out worked fine for a while.
But then the company received an order to make parts out of a costly alloy.
One night, one of the dies used to bend the metal broke when nobody was in
the plant but the machine wasn't equipped to alert managers about the
"They came in and found things all over the floor in the morning," Mr. Sodhi
says. "Their quarterly profit went down the tube in that one night."
In a lean economy, many companies are nervous about trying lights-out
manufacturing because of the financial risk and fear that it will rile
already-fretful workers who feel it threatens their jobs. Yet, most
companies now don't see lights out as eliminating people entirely. Steve
Ward, general manager of International Business Machines Corp.'s global
industrial sector, concedes that in the 1980s he and other managers at IBM
envisioned a point where no people would be needed to assemble things such
as computer printers.
"But as we've worked on it, we began to realize that to get the last person
out cost a ton of money." By instead spending that money on other efforts --
such as designing products so they are easier to assemble -- the company is
getting much more benefit, Mr. Ward says.
19 November 2002 The Wall Street Journal


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