I want to say that I am glad to have chanced upon this listserv. I was sorting so much information last week that I cannot honestly remember where it was that I got clued into this list. It is as if I arrived here out of a void of sorts. Into a bit of light... ..it's nice At any rate, I just found out that Mr. Joseph Stiglitz, the man whose economics to whom I have referred, has won the Nobel Prize in Economics. Check it out


As an intro, since I am so obsessed with my causes, I choose to include, in this email, a few links containing text authored by yours truly.

I welcome any honest criticisms.

Firstly, one can always go to http://www.memes.org and go to the search box in the upper right hand corner and type in any of the following terms to see what I have been up to: agentsmiley blowback souljah

Contrail, Chemtrail, or Atmospheric Research? http://www.memes.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1018

and a piece about the nature of the beast behind the anti-iraq PR http://www.memes.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=932 where you will learn about the 'cleanup wars' of the bush cartel

a bit about some time i spent with the BUFFALO FIELD CAMPAIGN http://lakota.members.atlantic.net/opinion.html

see also http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/675

oregon is (was) burning http://austin.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=3403&group=webcast

with so many arsons, why no arson debate...what have wildfires to do with our current problem AT ALL? http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/12496

http://www.memes.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1036 is where to click should you wish to know the reason why the three names that rose strongly to prominence in the wake of the kennedy assassination, george bush sr., frank carlucci, and robert mcnamara, are all investors as part of the CARLYLE GROUP..an international investing firm that buys out failing aerospace and defense firms...they are ranked 6th in the world as of this year in financial holdings..the bin laden family is part of this firm...ahhh... miami......


like i said, i am a can-of-worms type of guy...and i don't have much time it is sad to say



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