----- Original Message -----
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2002 13:51:29 -0500
Subject: US appointments  question

> This I don't understand.  I thought that right wingers didn't want deficits
> and always accused the lefties of "spend, spend, spend."  Maybe the right
> wingers will accept deficits as long as taxes are cut, maybe they will
> accept anything as long as taxes are cut.
> ===============

DEMOPUBLICANS and REPUBLICRATS are two wings of the business party

psychologically, hence politically, it is a good cop/bad cop mentality

together, the two parties have worked to increase, steadily, the gap between rich and 
poor...keeping us tied up in trying to solve the abortion debate and things of such 
nature..i.e. unsolvable is the question of EXACTLY when life begins

see how they work together?

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