Eric,  I found this on the Internet at

Could the date on this be wrong?      Have we witnessed a genuine coup here
apart from the Supreme Court decision on the election?


Democratic Senator to be Assassinated Soon.
Assassination teams actively preparing hit
May 25th 2001 - by Voxfux
Within months, one of a selected group of democratic Senators, likely from a
state with a Republican Governor, will meet an untimely death. The death
will appear to be either a plane "accident" or by "natural causes," -
Whichever is most easily accomplished. The reality will in fact be that the
Senator was one of a group of several Senators (Narrowed down into a group
of "Selects") targeted for assassination and was the one who was in the
right place at the right time for the most convenient and clean "hit."

You will see, within in the coming months, for absolutely certainty, the
untimely death of at least one Democratic Senator, to "rebalance the scale".
The private covert intelligence groups behind George Bush Sr. are
extraordinarily well funded with petrochemical billions. They are deadly,
work completely autonomously, in a terrorist formation identical to a
terrorist organization, and are absolutely religiously dedicated to
accomplishing their objectives. They will not rest until the Senate is under
the control once again of the darkest force ever to seize control of the
American Empire - The clandestine industrial / military / intelligence triad
who is currently represented by George Bush Jr.

Few have the ability to comprehend the machinations of this dark force. It
is beyond the scope of our "Journalists." And only a few intellectuals still
remain who will even dare to approach this grim reality. But is a reality.
This triad will employ cells of ex-military/CIA "cutouts" whose mission will
be to carefully eliminate one of a selected group of Democratic Senators.
Once, one of the senators is eliminated the mission is complete, the tracks
get covered, the evidence quickly cleaned up and the history books will once
again inscribe a lie for all of posterity to suck on. And we will never know
the true nature of our world and especially the dark force which now
controls the world and the writing of those history books.

The mission is already underway and several "candidates" are being evaluated
for extermination. The method of elimination is also being evaluated and
will be narrowed down to one of several choices. One being a carefully
planned "plane crash." Another is through the delivery of certain biological
agents to the Senator.

If the mode of assassination is to be "Natural" causes - then the cause of
death will almost certainly be by chemical or biological agent delivered to
the senator by this private covert intelligence group. If the Senator dies
of a sudden respiratory illness it will most assuredly be an Anthrax hit -
>From a strain of Anthrax manufactured before 1977 (When Bush was ousted as
CIA Chief). As always careful attention will be paid to limiting inquiry
into any autopsy or coroner investigations. If the premature death event,
occurs prior to the next Senatorial midterm elections, and is of "natural
causes" the Senate must urgently resolve to conduct multiple and independent
examinations into the ACTUAL cause of death, likely to be an anthrax or
other chemical or biological agent - NOT NATURAL CAUSES.

If the death occurs just prior to the midterm senatorial elections, expect
it to be in a state with a close race. Expect a "Mel Carnahan" style hit.

If it is a plane crash, the Senate must resolve to assure that Bush
administration officials are NOT in complete charge of the investigation.
There must be an independent investigative team and evidence of the crash
must not be allowed to fall into the hands of the intelligence services.

The mission to eliminate one or more of these Senators is assuredly underway
this very moment. It is now the single most critical mission of the current
Bush administration.

Cells will originate in Florida and Texas. Where such operations may operate
freely and with the complete protection of those respective state
governments. I suspect there are many cells forming regarding this mission.
Once, any one of the Senators is hit, the mission is terminated and there
will be NO evidence or any possibility to any serious inquiry. They will
control the coroner and or the crash site, take possession of the body or
wreckage (In the name of "National Security.") The team making the
successful hit will then either move up to the next level but more likely
than not they themselves will meet an untimely death.

----- Original Message -----
From: eric stewart
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 11:56 AM
Subject: Political Essayist Voxfux - A Massive Manhunt

Government: Political Essayist Voxfux - A Massive Manhunt
Posted by: valis on Dec 17, 2002 - 03:47 AM

 At 10AM on Friday the 13th, A combined task force from the Secret Service,
FBI, CIA, and Major Crimes Unit raided a Long Island home believed to be
that of the political essayist who writes under the pen name Voxfux.

There were simultaneous raids at several locations throughout New York City
and Brooklyn.

Voxfux is represented by Norman Seigal (From NYCLU). The civil rights lawyer
Ron Cuby is also involved in the discussions.

Later in the day Vox was interviewed at an undisclosed location with Amy
Goodman from the radio program Democracy Now.

There has been no formal charges presented so far. Neighbors were issued
orders to contact the Authorities upon seeing or! hearing from ! the man
believed to be behind the caustic pen.

A neighbor, who wished to remain anonymous for fear of violating any orders
of the combined law enforcement effort, spoke praises of her neighbor,
"There's no way he's a terrorist, he's a sweetheart, I don't believe it for
one minute. I've known him for seventeen years. He's an artist and a writer.
This is rediculous."

The case has the potential to be a lightening rod for civil libertarians,
coming just days after the passage of the controversial Homeland Security
Act. The articles Believed to be penned by the mystery writer can be found

from IndyMedia thread:

Voxfux has been making appearances throughout the day in the East Village
talking a lot to a lot of people. He's pissed. But he is definately NOT in
their cust! ody.

I saw one of his assistants who! confirmed the Amy Goodman interview. She
told me that Voxfux has requested that the interview NOT be aired at this

He told me to tell everyone to not have fear. He feels like a lion and never
had more resolve in his life.

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